First on my list is the Cleveland media/Police department... Friday, in the early hours of the morning, an off-duty Police Officer, named Walter Thomas, was working side job, at a local club...He witnessed a man, Aaron jones, shoot at another man...Thomas identified himself as a Police Officer, and told Jones to freeze, and drop the gun...Jones raised his gun towards Thomas, and Thomas dropped his ass with three shots...Three shots that killed Jones...So why am I pissed?
1. The Police Department is up Thomas' ass because he didn't get "proper approval" to work the side job...
2. Jones' family bitching that the shooting wasn't justified...Which lead to idiots in the media saying this shooting smelt dirty...Fuck-tards!
Ummm, if you don't drop the weapon, and you turn it on the Cop...Not only will you get shot...You should get shot...Plus Jones' family wants to act like he was some model fucking citizen...This asshole has been in and out of the system since he was 15, with a history of violence...Duh, he was shooting at some one when Thomas took hik down...Jones was such a class act, that he was on the FBI's most wanted list for Cleveland...
As the Police Officers Union said, "Thomas saved lives. He should get a medal, not a hearing." Damn Right!
Next up...Since I've had my cell phone, (over a year) I've gotten calls for some bitch named Norma...I have often answered calls and informed these people tha they had teh wrong number...I've only gotten few texts, and I only responded once, letting them know they had the wrong number...
Then there was this asshole who texted me today...He texted me this...
"Why didn't you pay my taxes for '09, and the penalty for '08! You told everyone you did! Who's been the liar! This is crap norma! I have to spend more money to ind out your bullshit story? You paid yours! How interesting!"
When I first read this, I was thinking what the fuck...But I was in a bad mood, so I called the number the text came from...Of course the chicken shit didn't answer his phone...Just send a blind, bitchy text, and then don't pick-up when that number calls you back...
So I left a voicemail..."Hey, I'm sick of getting Norma's fucking calls and texts...You have the wrong number."
So a minute later, my phone rings...Guess who? I say hello...He says, "Who is this?" My reply, "It's they guy who sick of getting Norma's calls and texts." He was angry, but apologized, saying "Well that's my bad on my end, but you don't need to swear."
So now, I'm really pissed...I reminded him that he felt it was okay to swear in a text he sent to my phone, even if it was meant for some one else, he should shut the fuck up, and I reiterated that I was sick of getting Norma's calls...He wasn't pleased, and told me to "Change your fucking number!" SO I of course told him, "Learn the right number, you fucking idiot...Fucking cocksucker...Fucking die!" And I hung up...He didn't call back...
Now before I got the text, I was pissed about an issue my son had at school...There is a little girl who is a problem...She is the product of a single mother, (SHOCKING!) and clearly has some mental issues...(Mommy probably was high as fuck while pregnant) Yes, I'm a judgemental prick!
This girl has been a problem since pre-school...Punching, biting, Cutting one boys hair, nothing but a problem...Well today she spit in the Little Beeze's eye...So I talked to the teacher, and principal, and made it clear that I was sick of the "We're working on it" crap, and that if anything like this happens again, I'll will go to the school board and do everything to get this kid booted...Oh, and that my son has my permission to defend himself, so if she got punched in the throat, it's on her and them!
I've had enough of all these, idiot, douchebag, fucking dolts in the world...And I haven't even touched on the fucking ass-hat politicians that are really fucking things up...Maybe I'll get to those fucks later in the week...Cunts!
Later, The Beeze.
Whew ... it's off your chest ... and hopefully you're a bit better ... but hey ... I'm not pushing it. :)... after all, you have some of the best rants.
Thanks Frank...I do feel better, but there is always something right around the corner that will get my blood pressure through the roof again!
Can't wait to hear about receiving your next call/text for Norma.
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