So it's time for round two of this series...I actually changed my mind with where I wanted to go with this one, so part 3 may be tomorrow...But in this episode I'm going after a story that the news, all networks, and social media have been pounding into our face...Another story that makes me think we'd be better off not paying attention to the news...
Donald fucking Trump...This fucking ass-hat, and he is, look at that retarded hair...But this ass-hat has been on a non-stop, magical mystery tour of bullshit...And every talk show, news show, radio show, any open mic will let this fuck-tard spew his drivel...He's been beating this Jesse Venture like, conspiracy theory that President Obama is not American, to death...
So I'm going to clear the air...First, if you disagree with the President's politics, or views, or how he deals with things, that's fine...I don't agree with everything he does, or doesn't do...Feel free to challenge him on that...But to go after this "Birther" crap is just ridiculous...Let me explain...
First, his mother is American...She was born in Kansas...I repeat, His Mother is an American citizen...That right there is enough for me...My mom is American, so am I...Get it! No one seemed to mind that John McCain was born in Panama...Why? Because his mommy was American! Don't worry, "Birthers" if that's not enough, I've got more...
Second, every single Congressman, and Senator has a FBI file...They investigate them all...Which means President Obama does as well...And I'm sure they were made to do some extra research when he became a Presidential candidate...Oh, and the Secret Service opens a file on all Presidential candidates...So if the FBI and Secret Service are satisfied, why the fuck isn't Donald Trump?
Now many people want to call "Birthers" racist...Well I'm sure some are...But not the good kind of racists...You know, the ones who just flat out say it..."I don't like him, he's a nigger!" At least those backwards ass, retards are honest...
But I won't say that's the only reason for this bullshit...I mean Donal Trump just said, "I have a great relationship with the blacks. I've always had a great relationship with the blacks." How can you not believe those words?
But all Trump is doing is stirring the big PR pot...Keeping his name out there, and getting big ratings for his stupid ass show...He's not really going to run for President...One, he doesn't want all his financial dirt getting out there...and two, once NBC offers him a contract for another season of his fuck-tard show, he'll pull himself, and his stupid hair out of the race...Why do you think other Republicans are being so quiet...They don't want to get into a back and forth with this dope, and that way they can ask him for some money after he's out of it...
Okay, so can we put that stupid baby to bed now?
Since I brought up racism before, let me ask you this...Is the following video racist?
I'll say yes, yes it is...Next question...Can something be racist and funny at the same time? Yes, yes it can...I laughed when I saw that...I knew it wasn't PC, but I laughed...I know Hockey, and know PK Subban, and he's quickly becoming one of the most hated players in the NHL...So the fact that some one took that ad, and mixed in some O.J. was funny to me...
Sticking with this topic, there are some videos out there featuring a guy named Tubesteak...This are intended to be humorous, with their over the top stereotypes of the Black community...
Now was that funny? I would say it's funny...I laughed at plenty of that stereotypical bullshit...Now do is it racist? Most would say it isn't because black people made it...Fuck it, I can live with that...But there are people out there, who are ignorant, and don't get that it's suppose to be humor...And is it humor like that, holding firm to stereotypes, that keeps racist thoughts alive and strong...I think so...Stupid people see that, and think that's the sum of the black race...SO they may have gotten some laughs, but they'll also get those awkward looks as well...
It really was a better time, when I didn't pay attention to the rest of the world...
Later, the Beeze.
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