I've been in a mood lately...Yes, I'm over-tired, but that doesn't really have anything to do with it...I've realized how much easier life was when I didn't give a shit about anything other than myself...Sex, drinking, and rock & roll...
I was always interested in History...Hell 6 more credits and I could be an unemployed History teacher...So because of that I always paid attention to the news, but back in my youth, it didn't really impact me that much...Then I got married, and started pumping out kids, now I had to care/worry about people other than myself...Now the news has a much bigger impact on me, and I'm starting to hate it....
I pay too much attention to politics, and what is going on in the world! I don't actually believe that...People who have no clue about what is going on in the world make me nuts...But I wish I didn't care as much as I do...I sure as hell would be a happier man...So I'm going to be posting a few blogs about shit in the news that really has me pissed off...Some you may know about...Some you may not...
First up, the Great State of Ohio...It seems there is always something popping up in my home state that makes me physically ill...Recently and quietly, the state legislature has been working on a bill that would make it legal for people that have a Concealed-Carry permit, to wear/carry their gun with them into a bar, restaurant, or sporting venue...So we want to mix guns and alcohol? What the fuck are these people thinking...Listen, I'm not some hippie, anti-gun fuck-tard...You want your gun, that's fine...But the last thing we need is guys in a bar, getting heated over sports or politics, and then boom...Dead bodies everywhere...
Christ there's a guy in a coma, because he was wearing a Giants cap, and some boozed up Dodgers fans beat his ass for it...Now we'll let them bring their guns!?! Fuck that! The Indians thought ticket sales were bad before, just wait until half the seats sold are people who are strapped...
This just seems, stupid and unnecessary...And it will pass, because the NRA has boat loads of money and lobbyists helping t o push it through...
I jokingly called Ohio, Little Texas...Then I started thinking about that place...It can't all be bad...But their governor is an ass-hat...I saw how the wild-fires are raging all over the state of Texas, and while I feel bad for the citizens, my first thought was fuck'em...WHY? Because their ass-hat governor Rick Perry wants to secede from the United States...Go ahead and be part of Mexico then dummy...And while your state is burning, don't go asking us for any federal assistance and aid...You want to be on your own...Go for shithead!
Since I was talking Ohio, and idiot governors, I guess I need to come back to Ohio...Since Our new Governor has stepped into office, he has given his staff raises, then told us we need to make cuts...He's trying to take down the police, fire, and teachers unions, just like that asshole in Wisconsin...
Then Governor Kasich who was one of these fuck-stains that ran on getting more jobs here, and how important education is to our future, put forth his budget...So much for jobs...His budget has fucked cities so badly, that they are all looking at shit-canning police officers, firefighters, and teachers...More jobs you say Mr. Kasich...You budget just got 700 Cleveland School Teachers and staff fired...
Now I agree that we as a country and as individual states need to make some cuts...The debt in this country is insane, but these twats refuse to look in their own home for cuts...I'm sure our public officials can get by without some of that over inflated staff they have...Why not take a pay cut, instead of the pay increase this year? Oh that's right...You say you care about us folks, but really we know that's all bullshit...You're a politician...
See wasn't it nicer when we didn't really care that much...
Stay tuned...
Later, The Beeze.
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