So I have always made it a point to be honest in my writing...It doesn't matter if I'm writing about sports, politics, food, or the blow job my wife gave me last night...I have always written my 100% honest, and true, thoughts and opinions...I'll never stop doing this...What's the point in writing something you don't believe in? So for those who don't like my honest views on Cleveland, and it's sports teams, you won't like another blog of mine...
Baseball season got started this past weekend, and you can imagine my rage, when I read in "The Cleveland Plain Dealer" that Indians DH Travis Hafner thinks this shitty team can win the Central division...Yeah, Travis Hafner, who has trouble hitting his own weight...Travis Hafner, who strikes out in the clutch, but is always good for a meaningless homerun, when the game is out of reach...Travis Hafner who has been injured, and lacking power ever since MLB cracked down on 'Roids...This ass-hat can't even field a position...Shut the fuck up dummy! Oh, and from dealing with your wife personally in my line of work, let me just say, she's a real twat!
So after this, the Tribe went out opening day and gave up 15 runs to the White Sox...Now they did try to comeback late, but as usual, it was too little, too late...They lost again Saturday 8-3...they did win Sunday 7-1 behind some strong pitching from Justin Masterson...Next up is the struggling Red Sox...Something tells me 3 games with the tribe may be just what the doctor ordered...
I'm not going to get into all the problems with the Indians that I listed last week...For those of you I was battling with on Twitter Saturday, go back and read...Yeah, I had a bit of a think going on Twitter...One publication posted a story about the piss-poor attendance on Saturday, and over the past few years...Real simple...Put shit on the field, you'll get shit for attendance...
Oh, and Cleveland Indians, lose those stupid looking red caps...They look retarded! Yes, it seems there is a new cap every year, that the Tribe hopes will catch on, in never ending quest to be PC, and get rid of Chief Wahoo...Knock it off you twats!
Okay, have I beat on the Tribe enough? for now I have...
But if there is a Cleveland blogger out there, who only sees things through rose colored glasses, I would glady take you on in a "He said She said" debate on any Cleveland topic....
This past week I signed the Little Beeze up for T-Ball again, and yes, I'll be coaching again...Some one has to keep bucking this everyone is a winner bullshit system! We also signed up for Flag Football...And my daughter signed up for cheer leading...Why the hell does T-Ball cost $35...Flag Football Cost $65...But Cheer leading cost $100....$100 for rah-rah-sis-boom-bah! WTF!?!
So Saturday, I didn't have to work a double at the Fish House...We did some family stuff...Then that evening the wife and I went to dinner with our friends May and Bryan...No where fancy, just to a chain place called Texas Roadhouse...The Mrs. and I have been there a number of times...They have great steaks...Awesome homemade rolls with honey cinnamon butter...The place is always packed...The service is good...It has that authentic Texas feel...Well at least a stereotypical feel...Lots of wood...Pictures of cattle...Awful country music...Free peanuts, and peanut shells all over the floor...Apparently, in Texas people just throw peanut shells all over the floor...Can my friends in Texas tell me if this is how it really is...
But like I said, the steaks are great...Better than what you expect from a chain place...I wanted to stay out longer, and keep sluggin' beers, but the wife wanted to get home early...It was the baby's first time with our sitter...Everything was fine, and after I got the baby to sleep, the wife did the old, Drop and Gobble!
After that I got online, and saw something that brought me great joy...Charlie Sheen and his "Violent Torpedo of Truth," crashed and burned in Detroit Saturday night...READ_HERE
In baby news, My wife has been very jealous of how much little Molls is all about Daddy...She's always giving me the smiles, and reaching for me...She doesn't realize mentally I'm just not that far away from where kids are! Then it really got under her skin this week when I got her first kisses...Nice, drool filled, baby kisses...
So I believe last week I said it would be UConn and Butler in teh Final...Good guess! So I say uConn wins...Will you be watching? I won't...Who do have winning?
Now I'll get out of here with a song...Friday on O&A, Jay Mohr was talking music, and brought up the song "Silver Fuck" by Smashing Pumpkins...I went back and listened to it, and realized what a great album "Siamese Dream" was...Then I started getting into some other stuff from my youth...Look for me to start posting a song of the day on facebook and twitter...So here is another song from that album..."Mayonaise."
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
1 comment:
My team will win tonight's game .... All the way with ABK ... Anybody But Kentucky.
Could Molls follow the footsteps of her big brother, thus become the future Beezette!
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