Yes Cleveland, my beloved hometown, I'm about to take a dump all over you again!
People,especially here in the Cleve are all a buzz, that Browns running back Peyton Hillis beat out Michael Vick for the "Madden '12" cover...Now I love how Peyton Hillis plays, and how he busted his ass last year for the Browns...I loved him when he blowing people up at Arkansas with Felix Jones and Darren McFadden, but there are bigger fish to fry...
The Cleveland Schools a shit-canning 800 teachers and staff...Fire stations are being closed...350-400 city emploees are being laid off, including a lot of police officers...The latest class at the academy will be allowed to graduate, but won't be sworn in...Sorry guys, thanks for busting your ass, but no job for you...
But don't worry Clevelanders, you voted you asses off to get Peyton Hillis on the "Madden" cover...Way to go, now you just brought that curse down on us...Fucking dummies!
I'd love to see Hillis hold a press conference and say, "I'd really like to thank all the fans in Cleveland, for ruining my fucking career!"
That's all for now...Oh if you want to catch my views on some hot-button issues, my second edition of IGNORANCE_WAS_BLISS was posted Tuesday night...
Later, The Beeze.
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