Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The Hypocrisy of Comedians
Yesterday I posted THIS....It got some good feedback and of course I got some backlash...It got me thinking about something that has bothered me for years...
I love standup comedy...I have since I was a little kid...I remember sneaking into a backyard in my neighborhood were my older brothers and their friends were listening to a new Eddie Murphy cassette without all the parents knowing...I loved it all growing up...I'd watch any comedy special that came on HBO...I watched MTV's "Half Hour, Comedy Hour" religiously, and "Evening at the Improve"...I love the craft or art...Yes, I put it up on that type of pedestal...
As the years have gone on, standup has had it's ups and downs...And my tastes changed...I got over the Andrew Dice Clay phase and got into more thought provoking comedy...Don't get me wrong, I'll always enjoy a shit or dick or pussy joke...
Then the 2000's came and with it, Social Media and Blogging came too...These gave celebrities, Comics included, another way to reach their audience and promote their shit...It also gave us regular fuckers a voice...An outlet for us to express our thoughts and opinions to our friends, who we don't work with or don't live right next door...But also to the masses...To anyone who may be interested....I started blogging about sports in 2007 at Sporting News...Over the years I started branching off into different directions, talking about whatever was in my head...
During that time and it as continued...Different points in time more surges in it...Comedians bitching about bloggers...and really, anyone on social media who doesn't have a "Blue Checkmark"...Many of them are comics I love...I often blow it off, because I'm a fan...Bill Burr is my favorite and he shits on bloggers religiously...Jim Norton who I've always been a fan of, bought both his books, saw him live, he shits on regular people tweeting and bloggers all the time...He's written what are in essence blogs, for major publications occasionally...But for him, it's not a blog, it's an "Article"...
Then there is the subject of my blog yesterday...Joe Rogan...Joe Rogan use to write blogs regularly on his website...But it doesn't count if I write a blog on my website...Comedians love to scream about the Freedom of Speech...And they will go to war with the whole fucking world to say whatever they want...They will scream and fight, scratch and claw for their right to even tell a bad joke...a shitty joke...an offensive joke...a rape joke...And my meaningless voice has stood by them...
Now Comics are screaming everything that doesn't agree with them is "Cancel Culture"...My post yesterday was called "Cancel Culture"...It isn't...Joe Rogan can go on doing what he does...I'll probably watch his next standup special...I just want people to realize, he's often full of shit...and often on the wrong side of topics...
I'm sick of Comedians bitch, moaning and complaining about you and me saying what we want on Twitter and Blogs but screaming about their right to say whatever they want...Freedom of Speech is for everyone....EVERYONE!
Not just arrogant assholes with "Blue Checkmarks"...EVERYONE!
Monday, June 29, 2020
America, Stop Listening to Joe Rogan
That's the look on Joe's face when he's falling into a trance from his latest guest....
-I'll start by saying, I like Joe Rogan's standup comedy...And I did like his podcast for awhile...Rogan always put a variety of people on with a wide range of topics getting covered on the podcast...He loved going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes, and bought into many...But then will bash certain people for buying into certain conspiracy theories...But as he does this, in the back of your mind you have to remember, he has repeatedly defended Alex Jones...The leader in pumping out conspiracy theories...Jones who screamed that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, and his minions then taunted families of the victims...The victims being 6-7 year old children...While Rogan has repeatedly tried to say he didn't believe this and Jones shouldn't have said it, he still defended Jones and would say, "But look at all the stuff he was right about."
We're still looking and haven't found anything Joe!
-Joe Rogan has also defended Roseanne Barr for her racist, Trump-like tweets...Before she was even on his podcast Rogan was doing damage control for her on nearly every episode, saying "She's been working hard on her show, not sleeping well, on Ambien and drinking".....When she did the podcast he continued to give his full-throated support...
Not surprisingly, he has a soft spot for fellow comics...Yes, he defended Louis CK...He'll say what CK did was gross and inappropriate, but will hammer home how "Louis asked the women first," before he pulled his dick out and jacked off in front of them...He tries to ignore the story of CK jerking off while on the phone with a female comic...
Recently Comedian Chris D'Elia was outed for being a creep and trying to bang and groom underage girls...He's been on Rogan's podcast a number of times, and many shitty comedians who are in Rogan's circle, Brendan Schaub, Bryan Callen, Andrew Santino, Theo Vonn, have all made comments saying they didn't know anything like this was going on with D'Elia and they "hope he gets the help he needs"...Never mind the young ladies...The problem is, this fucking idiots, like Trump, don't seem to realize there is a permanent record of the shit they say...Because they all record podcasts and there are clips of all of them joking about D'Elia fucking young girls...So far Rogan has been quiet about it...I expect him to wait until it dies down and then he'll be defending his pals right to do standup and acting again, and he'll attack the "cancel culture" because people being pissed at a guy for creeping on young girls are far worse then the creep in his eyes...
-Joe Rogan has always prided himself on being in the middle Politically...You can see it in his comedy...There are things that lean left, and there are things that lean right, and to be fair, comedy is comedy and you go where the joke is...But on the podcast he often let both sides on issues get heard....And I felt his "I'm in the middle" thing was legit when he had put Tulsi Gabbard on the show multiple times, and vocally supported her...Of everyone that was in the massive field she was hands down, the most centrist...
But it seemed like there was switch...Rogan made a very strong stand against the Trump administration policy of taking illegal immigrant children away from their parents and sticking them in cages...There are a couple of powerful clips from his podcast on and it's great...But really, let's be honest...That topic seems to be an easy one to take a stand on and not get much backlash on...Anyone giving you shit about that one is an asshole...
Then, as it was clear that Tulsi Gabbard didn't have a shot, Rogan started talking about liking things Bernie Sanders was saying...Liberals, myself included loved this...You can't get much lefty then Sanders...Then he had Sanders on the Podcast and he ate it up....And then on a podcast after Sanders was on, Rogan said he'll "Probably vote for Bernie"...
The Right was pissed and went nuts and attacked...And the Anti-Sanders left went nuts and attacked....What did Rogan do...He hid in the corner...Mr. Tough Guy whined about the backlash he was getting...He had finally taken a political stance and didn't like that idiotic and misogynists things he had said were being dug up...He didn't like jokes were being picked apart...Honestly, I hate when people try to attack comedians over jokes, I think it's ridiculous...But instead of standing up like he did for Roseanne Barr, Louis CK and Alex Jones, he sulked...Then ran right and said he'd "rather vote for Trump over Biden"....
-How far right has Joe Rogan run? Well folks he is the leader in promoting anit- ANTIFA bullshit...Not Donald Trump, but Joe Rogan...I know that's shocking, but Rogan is in the lead because he's been spewing his bullshit against ANTIFA for a couple more years then Trump, thanks to his good buddy Alex Jones...What all three of these fucking idiots (and many others) don't get, is ANTIFA means Anti-Fascism...Here's the definition....Antifa is an anti-fascist political movement in the United States comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups....
So if I'm Anti-Fascist and you oppose Anti-Fascists, that makes you Pro-Fascist...You remember the most popular Fascists the world ever saw...Those would be the Nazi's...Joe, Alex, Donny, you guys are all fucking idiots!
The biggest problem with Joe Rogan is, he falls under a trance with any guests he perceives to be smarter than him...When it's idiot comics like Schaub, Callen and Vonn, he knows he's the smart one in the room, plus he's higher on the comedy food chain...He commands the room and speaks with authority...When it's a doctor, scientist, an author, a reporter, he lets them say what they want, and absorbs it, trying to grab onto a talking point he can use to make himself look smarter later down the road...
The worst cases are when he fan-boys out, like he does with Elon Musk...Recently, Musk, always try to make more money as he promises the world, but rarely delivers, and a Trump lover, was on Rogan's podcast stating his case on why his facilities should be allowed to reopen during the COVID pandemic...Musk informed the world that people, doctors, scientists weren't reading the numbers right...Only he reads them right and it's not that bad...This gave Rogan the firepower to play the percentage game...
Rogan and Musk and too many others like to give the percentage of COVID cases and deaths compared to the the population...It's easy to make it not sound as bad that way...But the facts are, globally there are now over 10 million cases...Over 500,000 deaths and of those deaths, the United States alone are about to hit 130,000...And the cases are surging, because of people like Rogan who have a huge microphone...It's shocking and sad because early on in this COVID mess Rogan took it seriously and repeatedly talked about his friend, comic, Michael Yo who had a very serious case of COVID...But as it often happens, Rogan's view changes when a guest shows up with a different take...Especially if it's his buddy Elon...So Musk spews his bullshit, Rogan eats it up and starts saying COVID isn't that bad and you don't need to wear masks...He has even, said people wearing masks are "bitches"...
Exactly what we should have expected from the true meathead he is, deep down inside...130,000 dead Americans and the numbers are growing every day, because you're afraid to look like a "bitch"....
Here's a clip, a rare time a guest calls Rogan out on his nonsense...Bill Burr tries to shut Rogan's bullshit down...Now they're friends and Burr went easier then I think he would have on a regular idiot, but you hear Rogan saying people wearing masks are bitches and Burr smacks him for it...It's one of the few times Rogan can't Alpha Male another comic...
-Rogan's podcast is a monster...He had a doctor on who said "take Vitamin D," it will help you beat COVID...Rogan repeated it...In two days Vitamin D was sold out everywhere...And hey, Vitamin D is good for you...But for all the times he promotes Vitamin D or says we shouldn't take kids away from their families and lock them in cages, there are for more moments of misinformation...Lies and cluelessness about ANTIFA, Elon Musk's skewed numbers, defenses of Alex Jones, masks are for bitches...He does as much harm than good...
And now he has signed a multi-year deal for his podcast to be exclusively on Spotify...It is rumored to be a $100 million deal...So as much as fans want to make him out to be a maverick and not part of the establishment, he's just like John McCain...He's no maverick, he is the establishment...They guy made his early big bucks hosting Fear Factor...Now he's to Spotify, what Howard Stern was/is to Sirius Satellite Radio...The Spotify deal solidified my growing unhappiness with Rogan...
Spotify is an evil corporation...They built the company on streaming music and now have moved hard into the Podcast game...I have never had a Spotify account and refuse to do so...Why? They made their name and money streaming music, but they don't pay the artists...Spotify does not pay the musicians/writers/artist...They pay the labels...Which is you know anything about the music business, they religiously fuck over the artist...Many artists have tried to fight against this system...They keep running into a brick wall...Rogan's wasn't the first podcast that I have walked away from because of an exclusive deal with Spotify...I'm sure it won't be the last...
At one time, Joe Rogan was good for us...He was great for the Podcast industry...Now, he's become a buffoon...He has started playing down to the lowest common denominator...And at this time, in this country that is the last thing we need.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Seattle Hockey, Get Your Shit Together
There is a picture of an often forgotten hockey team...The Seattle Metropolitans...and yes, in 1917 they won the Stanley Cup...And now hockey fans in the Pacific Northwest are excited about their new expansion NHL franchise, the Seattle ___________! Yes it's been two years since the announcement and the Seattle Hockey club still doesn't have a name...There have been many ideas...There was a fan vote which was blown off...There has been much legal back and forth over copyrights for multiple names and logos...And every time the hockey world thinks it's getting an announcement on the team name and logo...They announce that they are delaying...
Many thought last November was going to be it...Announce and start selling merch for the holidays, and get the excitement building...But no such luck...I'm a huge hockey fan...I'm a huge fan of Seattle...I want to see this franchise do well...And I want to see some great looking gear...
Luckily, design programs and video games have let people work up ideas...and some obviously have been worked up by firms....Many of these ideas have come across the desks of the people in charge of the the Seattle franchise...Thanks to the internet, many have floated out to us...So I'm going to show some of the best ones that are out there with the Team names that have been at the top of the list...
You're going to see a lot of Green as Seattle is know as the "Emerald City"
The Kraken: Kraken has been in the lead with a lot of people...The idea of a mythical creature seems appealing to many...
Green, Black, funky Red, and a Yellow-green...I don't like this look, with the exception of the alternate jersey throwing it back to the old Metropolitans days...
This one has the staple Seattle blue with green with a Kraken dick (looking like a "S") wrapped around the Seattle Space Needle...Simple, clean and colors resembling the Seahawks, Mariners and Sounders...
This one I like more...Green with gold...It's all in on the Kraken theme with the trident and the tentacle looking "S" and Seattle written in the "S" like the old school Metropolitans...Honoring the past but going into the future...
This is similar with Kraken written in the "S"...Going all in on blue...But this Blue and Green combo looks a lot like the Vancouver Canucks color scheme and why look like the team that is going to be your biggest geographical rival...
Totems: Is a name that has been used for in a number of lower level leagues...It has been one of the names and logos where there has been copyright arguments...There is also the question of if Native American tribes in the region will be okay with this...
This has been the standard idea for Totems Not a bad look, but the name falls flat with me.
Sea Lions: The Canucks logo is an Orca...Orcas eat Sea Lions...Sharks eat Sea Lions...Sharks are in San Jose...That alone hurts this name...
I actually really like the logos and uniform design here...The top left logo, that Sea Lion looks fierce...
Evergreens: We get it, you got a lot of trees up there...You don't name a hockey team after a tree...
Very basic, simple, boring, dumb name...
Sawbucks: Somehow, some-way, people merged wood working and wildlife together and came up with a cool logo to go with a cool sounding name....
A sawbuck holds wood while cutting...A Sawbuck is also a Pokemon creature that looks like a member of the deer family...
Anyways....I think this logo looks great...The name sounds tough and cool...The uniform design is solid...I'm kinda rooting for this...
Metropolitans: Yes, it's always been on the list and many would like to see the history brought back...Personally I think it's a shitty name...But I understand and appreciate respecting the history....
This one went all in with the green...Two shades of green and white...Good striping...An alternate logo...The primary logo focusing on the Space Needle.
Sockeye: The longer this has dragged on, the more attention this name gets...I HATE it...I just can't get behind the name...
The big thing with the Sockeye ideas is they seem to all move away from the green idea and the "Seattle Blue".....This top one is boring...
I give this one a lot of credit...Unique design and color scheme...Going bold with both...I hate the name, but I like the effort on this design...But I wouldn't buy this jersey...
Emeralds: Seattle as I mentioned earlier is known as "The Emerald City"...But that's no reason to name your team after a gemstone...Emeralds is as bad as Evergreens....
I appreciate this design reaching back and using the old Seattle Super Sonics basketball team colors...It's a quality design just a shit name...
What are your thoughts...What should Seattle name their hockey team? What colors? When the hell are they going to figure it out already?
Sea Lions,
Seattle Hockey,
Seattle Metropolitans,
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Monday Moaning: Dementia Moved In
The image is click-bait but that's always been part of the game, and a major part of my game since I started blogging at Sporting News back in 2007...But I always found a way to tie it in with the post...I carried it on with me here and at the now defunct YouGabSports....
-I had a couple of masterpiece blogs in the bullpen...They were going to get me noticed by Barstool Sports who would offer me a job...(yeah, right!)But with the murder of George Floyd, the ensuing protests, the hate spewed by the President and his ignorant supporters who hold the Confederate Traitors in such high regard, I scrapped those...I didn't blog...I just carpet bombed social media facts, truth, reality, history, and quick rants...I got flagged on Facebook for things that were factually correct but Anti-Trump and Anti-Racism...I got unfollowed by plenty of people, which is fine...If you're a racist...If you are ok with people flying Nazi and Confederate flags, I don't want to know you and don't want you around....I got suspended on Twitter twice...A week for tweeting at Drew Brees that he "is a fucking idiot"....My first tweet back was at Twitter and their owners, pointing out the hypocritical bullshit standards they have...And then I retweeted porn clips that are allowed on twitter at them...
-One blog shredding MLB for being a bunch of greedy fucks who are killing their game and are about to lose the dog days of Summer to the NHL...The NHL is planning to have their playoffs (the best playoffs of all sports) in July, August and September...Pushing the start of next season back, and if they stick with it that way they can continue starting their season later, and having their playoffs in the Summer, sports dead zone, when many people get extra casual with Baseball until it gets closer to September....But with Billionaire owners and millionaire players fighting over money, more and more people are going to care less and less about a sport who's core fanbase is dying...
-I had done series of "COVID Blogs"...Those stopped This next section was going to be one in the series...A month into the COVID shutdown, we moved my Mother-in-Law in with us...My wife, three kids, two dogs, myself and my dementia riddled Mother-in-Law...She was in assisted living and was locked down, stuck in her room for over month...No visitors allowed, no activities, no dining room...It scrambled her already fragile brain even more...When we saw her outside of the place on her birthday, my wife and I knew we had to get her out...So she's here with us...My Father-in-Law went down this same road so we knew to some extent what we were getting into...But it's bad...It's hard...
The kids were doing school from home...The wife works from home...there's limited separation people can get...We get bombarded with the same questions over and over again...The last 20 years don't exist...She doesn't know who I am, except that I cook for her and answer questions...There are times she doesn't know my wife...
We made a answer sheet for her to keep...When she starts asking questions we tell her to look at it...She would ask a question, you would answer and she would ask it again immediately...She looked at the sheet and said, "This is my daughters house?" I said yes...She then said "Is she still alive?"...Which was when the most blunt thing I could say fell out of my face..."If she was dead you wouldn't live here." I felt awful, but she forgot it within seconds...
My day often starts with making her Tea and toast or an English muffin with orange marmalade...Once she is sitting down eating and working on a puzzle I go and check to see if I have to mop the floor in her bedroom, the hallway and the bathroom, as she likes to take her diapers off during the night and often leaves a trail of pee....
It's hard seeing someone fall apart in front of you...It's hard on my wife, as her mother often seems ungrateful for what we do for her...At night she becomes child-like, wants to "break rules" and gets pissy with my wife...We had to put up a baby gate to try and prevent her from roaming around the house at night while everyone is asleep...She loves to search for cookies between 11:00 PM and 4:00 AM...We have signs on doors to help her and prevent her taking a header down the basement steps....
The one thing makes my wife nuts...Her mother will go to the bathroom door wide open, doing her business, everything hanging out...But then when she's done, she pulls the door shut behind her...WTF!?!
If 2020 didn't suck bad enough, especially for the kids, my oldest having her senior year of high school kicked in the balls...She gave up her room for her Grandmother and moved into her little sister's room...And Grandma has no idea who our kids are...She had lived everyday for over two months with them and looks at them like strangers...We spent so many weekends visiting...Personal time and vacation time spent with my in-laws...Moved to fucking Erie to take care of things for them....and she has no memory of them or any of it...There are moments when I talk to her and she looks at me like 'Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here.?'
As frustrated and annoyed as I get, I have to remind myself that my wife is watching her mother's brain turn to pudding right in front of her everyday...I don't know how my wife deals with it so calmly...Well, she does like to hit the bottle like the piece of click-bait at the top of this post!
That's what's been going on in my world...
Have a drink...Stay safe...Stay strong...Don't be a racist...Help fight for positive change in this country and world...And love...Love your family...No matter what, love your family.
Barstool Sports,
Drew Brees,
In Laws,
Social Media,
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