Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday Moaning?

Amendment I

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

That my friends is what the 1st Amendment says...So no matter what anyone says, we are not a "Christian Nation"...We are a nation made of many beliefs, and ideas, and we are free to have those beliefs and ideas...And our elected officials are not suppose to push their beliefs, or my beliefs, or your beliefs on everyone else...

This post, clearly is inspired by the law that some were trying to push through in Arizona...Luckily, for the sake of freedom, and common sense, the governor vetoed it...It also helped that big businesses, including the NFL put pressure on her...

Why did I say common sense...Because while many read the proposed law and saw it giving people the right to discriminated against gays and lesbians, if you read it closely, and clearly, it did more then that...A business owner who believes pre-marital sex is a sin, could turn all your fornicators away...They could look at me, and say, 'Oh no! you masturbate...Get out!'  A Muslim business owner could turn an "infidel" like me away just because our religious beliefs are different...

That's the shit people didn't see...Politicians and the media made it all about discriminating against gays...Which, many of the people behind it, are fine with...That's how they feel...Me, not so much...I have a number of gay friends, and they're no different from anyone else...They don't try to fuck me in the ass, and I don't try to tell them how great pussy is...And it is!  That's what makes America great...We have our own lives and beliefs and we don't force feed them to each other...But the law could have opened up even greater cans of worms as I pointed out...

Sadly, it isn't over...While Arizona got all the coverage, there are 11 other states, right now, with the same type of law trying to be worked through their system...Including my own backwards-ass state of Ohio...So my advice people...Start paying attention to what your elected officials are doing...Don't let politicians religious beliefs dictate local, state, or federal policy...If religions are going to get into everyone's personal lives via politics, and law, then they need to lose their tax exempt status...That's right churches, temples, mosques, those quiet little cult churches in garages just so you can be tax exempt, and all others...You want to get in on the policy wars, start kicking in your fair share...We're tired of carrying you!

-As for why I didn't post Monday...This weekend, I used my Christmas gift card to get my daughter a new clarinet...(I did find a good sale, $500 off) she played the hell out of the first one, and it went in for $100 worth of repairs, so I thought maybe it time for an upgrade...Then the Mrs. needed a serious upgrade on glasses/contacts...With the exam, contacts, two pairs of glasses...Well, it was more then I wanted to drop...Plus there was groceries, and other crap...Shit got expensive this weekend...So Sunday afternoon, I got drunk...Bombed by 5:00 PM...A little hockey, and sleeping by 10:00 PM...

-Outdoor Hockey...KNOCK IT OFF!!!

I'm sick of hearing how great these outdoor games are...Did you see that shit Saturday night...The puck being passed, and shot, and stopped inches later by the snow accumulation on the ice...It was slow, and stupid...The one game in New York was delayed, because no one realized everyday at noon, in Yankee Stadium you get a glare on a certain part of the field, which was blinding off the ice...The next game in New York, sucked...The ice was garbage, because it was too cold out...Hell, the game in LA had better ice conditions...The game in Michigan...Again with the snow...Then this past Sunday, up in British Columbia...It was raining, so they closed the retractable roof...So it wasn't an outdoor game, and still players complained about the ice being slow...

6 outdoor games in one season has killed the uniqueness of the New Years Day Winter Classic...Now it's just fucking stupid...That's the NHL...They can fuck up any good thing...

That's it people...

Have a week...

The Beeze.

1 comment:

Buster McNamara said...

One outdoor game a season is enough.