Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WTF Blog: Melissa Harris Perry

Is this bitch for real?

Yes, I am going to use unfriendly language here...

While talking with "conservative" Alfonso Aguilar on her MSNBC show Saturday, she got quite upset that Aguilar referred to Paul Ryan and a "Hard Worker"...Not upset about calling Ryan a "hard worker" in the same way I would have been upset, because I don't believe you can any of the DC politicians hard working...She was very upset about how the term "hard worker" as compared to slaves....

Bullshit Race Card Alert!

“I just want to pause on one thing, because I don’t disagree with you that I actually think Mr Ryan is a great choice for this role,” Perry said.... “But I want us to be super careful when we use the language ‘hard worker.’ Because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like.”

This stupid gash continued by saying...

“In the context of relative privilege, I just want to point out, that when you talk about work-life balanace and being a hard worker, the moms who don’t have health care who are working, we don’t call them hard workers. We call them failures, people who are sucking off the system.”

She tried to finish strong by lumping every "conservative" together, and maybe even all white people, with this...
“Really, y’all do!” “That’s really what you do!”

Poor Aguilar sat there looking puzzled by what the hell was happening...

So somehow this hatchet wound is speaking for every plantation worker/slave, and she knows how they feel...What the fuck makes gives her the fucking right to decide what the fuck hard work is...Cunt has a staff that prepares her notes, and she reads shit off a prompter...Fucking dog walkers work harder then this twat...

To quote Bill Burr, "Oh yeah, I thought roofing in the middle of July as a redhead was tough."

Hey Melissa, I have a picture of Irish Iron Workers taking lunch on an I-Beam 30 stories in the air...I'm Irish and my grandfather and uncle were Iron Workers, so clearly I have the right to tell an opinionated news reader that she is a lazy bitch, who wouldn't know hard work if it bit her clit!
Melissa, please shut the fuck up...You're just another dolt, giving liberal leaning people like myself, a bad name!

Fucking dummy!

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