Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday....


Well, for some it's black Friday...But for me, fuck that...

I think this week, for Rosie and I...It feels like a Blue Friday...

Now this may get uncomfortable for some people, but that's too bad...It would be easy to bang out a 'What I'm thankful for' blog, or talk turkey and football...But why would I want that...

Much of my life, I've been called a "Liberal" and it hasn't bothered me...Not all my views are truly "Liberal" but I've been called much worse...And the fact of the matter is, in this day and age, Lincoln and Eisenhower would be considered "Liberal"  and I would consider them greater Republicans then the almighty Reagan...But the fact is my views touch both sides, which is where I think most people end up, which would explain why people are so disengaged in the political system these days...

What I'm about to say will not be viewed as "Liberal" and they may actually take my card away...

The media has been pushing this story in Ferguson, and from what I saw on CNN, they took the Mike Brown side...I would like to point out this bit of info...All those assholes who rioted, and looted, and burned down businesses, if you had any important to say, any view you felt needed to be heard, YOU BLEW IT!  Brown's stepfather stood on car and shouted, "Burn this bitch down!" repeatedly...And you fucking dolts listened...I no longer feel bad for the Brown family, because you just ruined innocent people's lives...All in the name of your son who you said was innocent...

Except he wasn't...He robbed a store...There is video of it...But everyone want to ignore it...The same store he robbed, was destroyed, because Ferguson cares so deeply for innocent people! He didn't listen to a police officer, then got physical with him...Then charged the officer when the officer went after him...Brown then got dead...And I don't feel bad about it...Because while you looted, and rioted, and started fires, and threatened innocent people, I read the Grand Jury transcripts...70 hours of testimony, and evidence, and witnesses, including some that admitted to originally lying about the events leading up to Brown's shooting...And the fact that Brown didn't have his hands up...So put that shit to bed already!

If you know me, you know I have often referenced a couple police officer uncles, that told me "never trust a cop"...And there have been plenty of times when I have voiced displeasure with the police...But not this week...

But wait, there's more...This past Saturday in Cleveland, a 12 year old boy was shot by police, and later died...A 9-1-1 call came in that there was "a man with a gun by the swings"...There is surveillance video of the boy, playing with the gun...Pointing it at people...Acting like a punk...When police rolled up on him, instead of putting his hand up, he reached for the gun...The video shows all this...The officer on the passenger side dives out of the car and fires at the suspect...The officer rolled, and got to his feet behind the car, as his partner got out and was taking aim at the now down on the ground suspect...They didn't know he was 12...Nor did they know the gun was a bee-bee gun...The evidence photo makes it clear, that the gun looked real...Should it matter that the kid was just 12?   It matters to many people, but when you have a split second to make what could be a life or death decision, are you really trying to figure out the person's age?  Are there questions? Yes...Could the officers handled it differently? Sure...That doesn't guarantee a different outcome...It's real easy for us to sit here and judge how some one does a job that we aren't willing to do ourselves...

And it would be the first time a kid used a gun...Just Wednesday, near where this shooting was, juveniles were arrested for robbery...And yes, kids were packing  bee-bee guns...

I can't fault the Cleveland Officers for how they responded...Yeah, a kid is dead, and that's horrible, but attacking the police, and threats to the officer are wrong...

And then there were the protesters...They remained peaceful in their protest here in Cleveland...I was happy to see that...But at one point they decided to walk up on the Shoreway bridge, and stop rush hour traffic...People were stuck in traffic for 3 hours...The police let it happen, and did not get confrontational...They shouldn't have...It's on the books people...It is illegal for pedestrians to be on that bridge...To be on that highway...They should have fire hosed every fucker off of there...

What would have happened if an ambulance needed to get through and couldn't? What if some one was in their car, going to the hospital, and then was stuck? They couldn't get there, they died...The ambulance couldn't get through to save some one...Would the organizers be charged with manslaughter?  They should be...Protest is fine...Breaking the law to do so isn't...Are the organizers going to pay the extra parents were charged because they were late picking up their kids from daycare? I doubt it...I'm glad I wasn't there...It would have been hard for me to not step on the gas, or get out of my car and start swinging...

Hey, I'm glad you want to question the system...I'm glad you were motivated to protest and speak your mind...That's great...But if you're breaking the law, then you're no better then those you are questioning and protesting...And again, you weren't in the officer's shoes during that split second...

And let me ask this...Why is anyone still listening to Al Sharpton...The man is a liar, and crook...

And since Al wants to make everything about race...Let me play a race card back at him...Convicted black, felon Kenan Ivery, has been charged with shooting and killing white, Akron Police Officer, Justin Winebrenner, on Sunday, 11/16/14...Ivery has also been charged with wounding four others. This past Saturday Officer Winebrenner was laid to rest ... without a single instance of rioting, looting, or burning.

Now was it necessary for me to put the race of these two men in this story? No...Should I have taunted black people that white people didn't act like fools? No...The story is a piece of shit, shot multiple people, and killed a cop...And a possible side note, that no one called for riots, but properly paid their respects to the fallen officer, and his family...Not everything is about race...Bad shit just happens...

Have a week

The Beeze.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Moaning

This week's Monday Moaning is feeling slightly different...Sure, I managed to post a pic of a nice set of cans...That's kinda what I do here...But the words won't be wrapped up in tits, ass, and sports...this week I'm looking a little deeper inside myself...

On this Monday, an old friend, a childhood friend, is being laid to rest...I hadn't even thought much of her over many, many years...Random, occasional memories from the distant past pop up once and awhile...But not often...Then another old friend posted an old pic of them together, and it got me asking questions...It seems many of us lost touch with her, and a couple had been looking for her...They found her, fighting cancer for the second time, and losing this time...

For two weeks the images of her face, an amazing smile seemed to be haunting me...Had I been a dick to her at times? Of course I had, I was dumb, horny kid, and she had boobs...I'm sure I said and did idiot stuff...Had I been nice? Had I been a good friend? I know I had at times...I do have some memories left in this head full of voices...But clearly I hadn't been a great friend...I won't lie, I've been somewhat surprised by how much this old classmates passing has bothered me...Yes, 38 is far too young to die...But it's more then that...

I remember when I first got on Facebook, and all this other social media...How fucking cool was it...I was suddenly reconnecting with old friends, and connecting with new ones...Awesome...Well, it's easy to say we reconnected, if that means I 'saw your kids pics on facebook'...'I favorite your tweet'...But are we really reconnecting? Maybe we're just getting a glimpse of our old friends lives, as well as giving  a glimpse back...

Yes, we all grow up...We change over the many years...We go different directions...We get jobs, get married, have kids, We gain weight, we lose it...Well, you may have lost it, I haven't...We pay bills, and more bills...(by the way, anyone have an extra $10,000?)....We lose track of time, let alone people...Our plans don't always work out as we hoped, or expected, or wanted...Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse...

It's not hard to lose track of friends...The hard part is keeping them in our lives...Finding the time do more then just post something on facebook, or shooting a text blast...I mean actually talking...Seeing each other...Life and our obligations get in the way easily...But I want to make a slight change in my life...I want to make time, no matter how brief, to be a better friend...To actually see some people I use see...That I use to know...I' not sure how, and I'm sure it will be a pain in the ass at times...But an old friend named Lauren made me realize that I've lost touch with a lot special people over the years...At the end of or time at St. James her quote in the memory book was "Get out there and change the world, you lazy bums!!" 

Well, I may not be changing the world, but I'm gonna work on changing my world slightly...

Rest in Peace Lauren

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ESPN Gets Schooled by Tosh

Not the first time ESPN has shown their true, hack colors...But this time they messed with some one more then willing to take them completely apart for the giant pile of steaming bullshit, that they are....I give you Daniel Tosh!

Please watch every bit of it!

Yes, he just showed what crap the self-proclaimed "World Wide Leader in Sports" is!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Moaning

I posted this picture to start this blog, about 45 minutes ago...I've been surfing around the net looking for something to inspire me...But nothing got me going...So, I'm just going to tap these keys and see what happens...

I can't write about sports...I haven't watched any this week...Oh wait...I saw about 5 minutes of the  BU vs. BC Hockey game Friday night...But that was it...

Friday evening Molly spent at my parents...A little sleep over with grandma and grandpa...So, the oldest got to take a test drive at watching little Beeze...She's always been a Mother Hen, so we weren't worried...So what did we do?

We went and looked at a house we can't afford...The wife wants a bigger house...I wouldn't mind either but there is the whole issue of trying to sell our house as well...We would also like to be a better school district...Our oldest is having nothing to do with us moving...Luckily, she doesn't need to worry...It's not happening right now...Just not there financially...Plus, this house was overpriced...When the relator describes the kitchen by saying, "It's kind of queer!"  Well, that's not gonna help sell it...We walked in the front door, and almost smashed into the kitchen island...They redid the kitchen, expanding it, and screwing up the flow...Plus, they slacked off on a lot of finishing work...The living room was huge...The master bedroom was huge...It had 4 bedrooms total...All good size...2 baths...Both on the second floor...No yard...and needed a new hot water tank, furnace, washer, and dryer, and some plumbing work...

Good luck getting that asking price dipshits!

Then we went out to dinner...A place called Ferris Steakhouse...The food was good...She had a Filet, and I had Prime Rib...We started with Bruschetta...I had a Caprese salad...I forget what salad she had...She finished with Crème Brulee, and I had a Triple Chocolate cake...The Moscow Mules were good...And well, the key for all my restaurant reviews, that gets them a positive grade...I got road head on the way home! Good Job Ferris Steakhouse!

And Saturday morning we had some classic morning sex...It's so nice not having a 3 year old (almost 4) waking you up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday! Thanks grandma and grandpa!

The rest of Saturday was work...I finally saw Molly at 5:44 AM Sunday, when she puked in our bed...Why, we have no idea...But then she felt great, and was quite the chatty little shit for the next hour, filling me in on her adventures...Then come 11:00AM it was back to work for a long Sunday pounding...

And now, "here I sit broken hearted, I came to shit and only farted!"

I've got some music going on my iPhone...It's on shuffle..."Captain Jack" by Billy Joel is on right now...

It made me think about a girl I dated oh so many years ago...She put this song on a mix tape...Yeah, I'm that old, fucking mix tapes!  She had this thing where she'd tell me to imagine I was on an island when I was having issues...Either stressed, or angry, or whatever...But you know what "Captain Jack" is? what the song is about...Shooting heroin...Holy shit, I think that bitch wanted me to kill myself!

No, she wasn't...She wasn't hip enough to understand drug lingo!

How's this blog working out for ya...Just a wacky guy babbling while listening to music...What's song will be next?


It's a pretty cool tune...Especially since in it's original form it was done in a techno, club style...I'll stick to this jazzy, mellow version...

I'm sorry for this rambling through writer's block post...It feels like I'm writing in a High School journal...Hopefully I'll get my shit together...

The Beeze

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday Moaning...Yes, I'm Late....

I was drunk!

It was a crazy busy Sunday night at work, and I had to buy the guys a drink...And I needed one myself...And suddenly it was a few more...I got home, ate some leftover pot roast and passed out in the chair...The dog enjoyed some scraps!

He definitely enjoyed them more then he enjoyed his Halloween costume...

Look at his face in this next one with Molly and Little Beeze...

He looks pissed!

So, the media/news these days is driven by what is going "viral"...What is trending on Twitter...What the big YouTube video is...And this past week, this video got all kinds of heat...

The Internet, and the so-called "news media" were shocked at men still "Cat-call" women...WHY? Seriously, how the fuck is this shocking? Men are pigs...I'm a man, and I'm a pig...I can be honest about it...Most of us can...But seriously, watch the video...

OK, homeless guys said shit...That's what they do...I live in Cleveland, I've seen homeless bums and pan-handlers...They talk, to anyone, about anything, and nothing...Now you throw a chick with tight pants and a tight top into the mix...Holy-fucking-game-on!

Yeah, I said it...I'm calling them on this shit...She's not a 10...But she isn't wearing baggy pants, and an oversized hoodie like she does at home, while stuffing ice cream in her face after her latest breakup...She painted on some jeans, and got a nice, tit-snugging shirt on...The chance of "cat-calls" just multiplied by 10...

Next, I'd like to see the whole fucking ten hours she did this...Did she really say nothing the whole time? Clearly this was edited to give us an example of the elite scumbags...Were there any nice guys that didn't stare at her ass, but looked in her eyes and tried to have a chat...Maybe spit some real game...Offer to take her to lunch, or meet for coffee some time...Probably were a couple good guys...She's probably fucking one of them now...

Do, I have any facts to back up my claims...No more then this bullshit video does, by insinuating that all guys are one step away from being a rapist...As a matter of fact, most of the comments made to her, were not offensive at all..."Have a nice evening"...."Hi Beautiful"..."How you doing?" "How you doing today?"...One guy even said, "Smile!"  Heaven for-fucking-bid...And you know what, when guys say "DAMN!" it's fucking compliment...Be happy some one gives a shit enough to look at you, let alone, inform you that they are attracted to you...Be happy, some guys let you know you're fuckable!

I'm sorry folks, but our media has made some bullshit into a story, again...And while I'm here...That bitch, Brittnay Maynard, that the felt the need to tell the world she was going to have herself wacked (yes I know that's not the technical term)  because she was dying...Why do we care?  Assholes kill themselves every day, and no one gives a fuck...So she was sick, and dying...We all are, just at different rates of speed...But she had to have her "Look at me" moment before she died, because that's what our society has become...If some one would have given her a TV show, she'd still be alive and would want us all to watch her bite it during sweeps week...You know what, Glad she did herself in...One less needy gash on this Earth...

I also found it amusing the number hugely religious people I know who were all about this chick, "Dying with Dignity"...Yeah, I though suicide was a sin fuck-sticks!?!

I feel I have come across as a woman hater today...I'm not...I love you ladies...I just hate bitches!

And while I'm sitting here on the unpopular side of things, all in with offending people...I would also like to defend Chris Rock for his Monologue on Saturday Night Live this past weekend...Chris Rock hit some touchy buttons making jokes about the Freedom Tower, and the Boston Marathon bombing, and tied it all in with how commercialized this country is...People seemed to hear Boston Bombing, and didn't really bother to listen to where he was going...

Dude said some smart shit, and some funny shit...Pull your panties out of you crack, and grow up people...

I always revert back to the late, great Patrice O'Neal when it comes to "funny" and you can joke about anything....

That's what I got...

Have a week...

The Beeze.