Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Missing Your Twinkies?

I have to say, I love horrible, unhealthy, tasty, treats as much as anyone...And I love Hostess snacks...But I'm sick of hearing people bitch about the Hostess company going under...

And I'm really sick of the idiotic people who have tried to blame it on the President and his Health Care plan...

And those who are bashing the Unions, saying it's their fault...You're stupid too...You won't always find me defending Unions...But I will when they are right...

Who's to blame for the fall of Hostess...Management...The fucking suits screwed up again, and they want to blame everyone but themselves...Maybe this will make it all clear for you...

Please, please, please, people....Please stop letting major corporations, and shitty news media lie to you...Wake the fuck up...The fucking suits are the ones screwing up again!

The Beeze.


Ark_Razor said...

Plenty of misinformation here, Beez. #1. The CEO raise was not 300% and the CEO in questions didn't even join until after the bankrupctcy filing of 2009.

#2. The reason the pensions weren't paid b/c the company had no money.

#3. The Teamsters actually approved the deal. The Baker's union killed it.

#4. The rescuers in 2009 have lost $130 million invested in the company since then. That would dwarf any CEO and other executive pay.

#5. This was a democratic party driven deal.

I do agree that it might not be appropriate to blame the union, but they've got to know that their jobs will be toast after reading this saga.

I would like to see a secret ballot among the Baker's asking this question "would you rather have your job at 17% pay reduction or no job at all?".

The funny (or sad) thing is that the brand names will be resurrected with many of the jobs going to others at a deal as low or lower than what they rejected.

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

I actually saw an earlier report that the CEO's raise was a 80% increase...I'll have to check into the 300%...

But 9 ecxecs shouldn't be getting raises, while cutting bakers salaries, and not paying pentions because the company is struggling.

I also read that the bakers union squashed the deal that the Teamsters agreed to...Maybe the seperate unions should have all been in the room together...I don't blame the bakers for not wanting to get hosed...The teamsters have a long history of only looking out for themselves.