....It's a great site, with great people there...If you like sports and a relaxed atmosphere, well then the GAB is for you...Plus they let me swear there....I'm very honored to have my blog featured there....

Later that night the boys in blue lost to the Thrashers in a shoot out...They looked like crap all night...Well except Markus Naslund, and Henrik Lundqvist...Lundqvist didn't look bad until the shoot out...Then on Friday the Rangers lost 10-2 in Dallas...WTF!
Next, we'll move on to the Pro-Bowl...F*ck the the Pro-Bowl...It's just like all the other "All-Star" games...It's crap...I don't watch any of them...I don't even know who won the stupid game...Whatever...
So what else is there? Spring training is just around the corner and I'm already getting sick of Baseball...This makes me sad, because I love baseball...
But the roids talk is already ragin' after it was leaked that A-Rod is also a cheating piece of sh!t....I'd love to punch that douche in the face....Not just because of the roids...But because of his gay ass frosted tips...Because he rolls with that cum dumpster Madonna....Because of those stupid ass Hamburger Helper Batting glove she wears...Because he's a Yankee....And he's not even a good Yankee...I hate all Yankees, but at least you could respect Mickey Mantle...Hell even Jeter isn't a total Douche...
(what a Douche!)
Now I'm not much of a Basketball fan...Kinda sad since I'm here in Cleveland where LeBron is kickin' ass....But I just don't give a sh!t...I've always been a Hockey guy...I can't do them both...
But as some of you know, I also write occasionally about my work and things that go on there...That blog is called "Tales From the Fish House"....Well this next bit can fall into that category...
I know a guy who is LeBron's personal chef....It sounds like a pretty good gig...Hell I'd take it...But it does have it's down side....Say it's 2:49 AM...This guys in bed laying the wood to his wife....LeBron calls....Him and his boys were just out, and they want some eggs, and bacon, and whatever else...Dude has to roll off his woman and get his ass there NOW!!!
LBJ wants eggs bitch!!!
Now he has also said that the topic of moving to another city has come up...and the King would move him and his family...That was a couple years back, but if I hear anything I'll let you know right away....Breaking News...This just in...LeBron's personal chef said he's outta here...F**k Cleveland B!tches'...that would be funny sh!t...
While I'm talking about athletes on a different level...My bosses also own a place near Jacob's Field....F**K You...I don't call it Progressive Field...It's Jacob's Field...
Any way...A few years back, when Trot Nixon was still a member of the Red Sox...Him along with Varitek were in this place...Buying drinks for a sh!t load of Sox fans that made the trip...They kept the place open after hours...It was a blast....Then the bills were paid, and the people left...Nixon and Varitek paid for everything....Nixon was awesome...Tipped people around 40%....People don't forget that stuff...That's why Indians fans embraced Trot so much when he was here....Great guy!

Now it's time for The Notre Dame Hockey update....The Irish were in Columbus for 2 games with Ohio State... 
Friday night the Notre Dame pulled out a 4-3 overtime victory...The goal scorers were....Ian Cole, and Erik Condra (2)....Calle Ridderwall had the overtime game winner...Both of Condra's goals, and Ridderwall's game winner, were all scored on power plays....Goalie Jordan Pearce made 17 saves in the victory...

Sunday afternoon the Buckeyes upset the Irish, handing them a 4-1 loss...Christaan Minella was the lone Irish goal scorer...Pearce made 26 saves in the defeat....
That's it for now gang...Have a good week...
Later, The Beeze.
I have seen the t-shirt that best sums up A-Roid, and it says...
"Jeter sucks, A-Rod swallows"
The way I see it, this shirt should be mandatory attire for Boston fans when the Yankees come to Fenway.
Great work again Beeze.
Pro Bowl ... ha ha ... even funnier is to move the game to the week before the Super Bowl ... Did Bud Selig give Czar Roger the idea?
It's February BEEZE ... get on your Irish for losing on Sunday ... February part of the stretch run and the time to get on a roll toward a championship.
Ah yes ... another black eye for baseball. Have no fear though ... frigin' Bud Selig will take care of the game.
YouGab is lucky to have you Beeze!
A-Roid's a clown, but I don't think just he and Bonds should be revealed. These tests were taken under the assumption that they wouldn't be released. It's kind of BS from a civil liberty sort of angle. He deserves what he's getting, but it's still a little shady.
you almost owed me a new keyboard by making me spit out my water reading that description of Madonna
yet you can see it still works ;)
you might like this post I did on her/ A-Rod:
"Alex Rodriguez marries 50 year old Madonna in a lavish ceremony in the Beverly Hills Hilton. Instead of exchanging wedding rings, they swap kabbala bracelets and kabbala nipple rings. The press dubs him "Nim-Rod". Six months later, Rodriguez passes away by succumbing to complications from the multiple STD's that he contracted from Madonna on their honeymoon. George Steinbrenner demands his contract be fulfilled, and Madonna ends up playing 3rd base for the Yankees. The entire organization goes defunct within 15 months due to every member dying from contacting multiple STD's from Madonna. Madonna then releases her 12th CD, titled, "Those Damn Yankees Were Damn Good"."
A-Rod is a piece of work... he was on a TV show not long ago (type Oprah but for sports - I dunno, I'm no pro here :) and he was trying to be convincing : "No, I don't do with steroids!"
If you got real close to the TV, you could've read "LIAR" on his forehead.
His hair: major negative. Humping Madonna... yuck. (How can you go from Guy Ritchie to FrostyTips?)
That's some funny stuff 3rd stone!
great job as always Beeze!
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