Yes, I'm posting this late...Very late...I would say I'm sorry, but I just don't care...I've been fighting a chest cold for almost 2 weeks and I've been trying to get some rest the last couple days...You know, between work, kids and their school work, feeding the family, and all that other shit...So the time that is me time, when I normally sit here and write, and search out different goofy shit, I've been spending sleeping, or just being a lazy lump of shit...But I figured, what the hell, I could at least post a few chicks and bitch about something...So here we go...
Yesterday, was the BIG midterm elections...Our chance to vote out incompetent, free-loading, criminal fucks, and replace them with other, incompetent, free-loading, criminal fucks...Now I always vote, but I understand why people don't...George Carlin had a good reason...
I don't know about you, but I miss George Carlin...
But there is another comic with different view...Yesterday on Twitter, Bill Cosby said this, "Definition of a person not voting today: a-pathetic person" Hey Bill, Go Fuck Yourself! My definition of a "pathetic person" may have something to do with, and old guy being accused of drugging a woman half his age, and sexually assaulting her, and claiming he was innocent, yet settling it out of court...Oh, did some of you forget about that...Take your high horse Bill, and stick it up your ass...
So after the change from a couple years, we more change now, and all it's going to add up to, is more bullshit, and probably even less getting done by our elected officials...The main reason I got out and voted to vote against local bond issue, that wanted us citizens to cough up $30 million over 36 years for a horribly designed school complex that would combine all 3 city schools, and included a senior center, and public rec center, and private business, all in the same complex...Oh, with limited parking, and one lane in and one lane out...But the biggest problem most of us had was the fact that any creep would be able to in such close proximity to the kids...The last thing you want is a creep like Uncle Paul near your kids...
It was shot down with a 72% against! Get the point ass-hats! Don't put it on the ballot again!
In the sports world, Randy Moss got dropped by the Vikings, and Belichick is looking like a genius, again! Today, the Tennessee Titans picked him up...Yes, he adds some more talent to their receiving corps, but I doubt he's going to add much...I don't have much faith in either of the Titans QB's...Moss isn't going to make Collins, or Young better...
Moving on, The Mrs. and I decided to do some acting...This commercial was done to draw some tourists into The Fish House...Let me know what you think...
Now, to the Important stuff...On this fine Hump Day...Okay, day after Hump Day...Which of these lovely ladies would you most like to Macho Salad with?
A. Cora
1 comment:
Your ability to find videos and pics continues to amaze me. It's "A" for me this week ... dang ... you're probably building a profile on me! Have a good weekend.
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