At some point Halloween went from kids dressing up in costumes and pestering people for candy, to those two pieces of delicious candy up above...Don't get me wrong, I've always hated Halloween, but those two gals up there, have me agreeing with these two down below...ALL ABOARD!

Suddenly, I'm hearing STYX...'Cum sail away, cum sail away, cum sail away on me!' Oh, those aren't the lyrics...

Yes ladies, you smile, and I'll dream!
So, Sunday was Halloween...Nothing like getting the kids all sugared up on a Sunday night...I'm trying to watch the end of the Patriots game, which included Brett Favre leaving the game looking like this...

Such a wonderful image!
Then somehow, I'm suppose to get these kids to bed, so they get plenty of sleep before school tomorrow...But they're all hopped up on sugar and excitement...Oh, and little Beeze has quite the big ego going...He was a Shark this year...It's a pretty cool costume...He was the hit of the school Halloween parade last week, and people were just raving to him while he was out begging for candy...I also got a number of compliments on my Shark pumpkin...But he took credit for it, because he told me to carve a Shark pumpkin...Little prick!
So in sports this weekend, the Fighting Irish lost to Tulsa...But that was the least of their concerns...It was A_BAD_WEEK_IN_SOUTH_BEND...
Then of course there is the whole BCS race...Last week Auburn jumped to the top of the BCS standings...Suddenly, Oregon jumped to #1 this week...Now I thought Oregon should have been there last week, but I just don't get this jumping up and down shit...Both teams lit up their opponent this week...Auburn beat Ole Miss 51-31...Oregon beat USC 53-32...It's fucking madness...
But my hope of Boise State or even TCU getting a shot at the title, got a little more help this week...Undefeated Michigan State got destroyed 37--6 at Iowa, and unbeaten Missouri got pounded 31-17 by Nebraska...
In the "World Series" the San Francisco Giants have a 3 games to 1 lead over the Texas Rangers...Just in case you were wondering...I haven't paid attention...I had to look it up...
The Browns didn't play this week, which gave Kent read, Kent write, Kent State the chance to honor Josh Cribbs...They retired his #9...Here's some numbers on just how good he was there...7169 passing yards with 45 touchdowns...3763 rushing yards, with 41 touchdowns...Pretty damn good...At the ceremony, Cribbs gave something back...He gave the University $100,000 which was equal to his scholarship for 4 years...
Saturday night, the annual "Holy War" took place...

My Alma Mater, St. Edward, gave rival St. Ignatius a much deserved 33-10 beating, completing a perfect 10-0 regular season...Onto the playoffs, and hopefully a State Title...
Let's move onto the gossip scene...I figure since I saw this shit standing in line at the grocery store, why not throw it in...
So Charlie Sheen was suppose to pay this gal (Capri Anderson) $12,000 for an evening...
But apparently it spun out of control when he got coked up and freaked out...She ended up being found by the police, naked, locked in the bathroom...I wonder if she'll be seeking legal counsel for her lost wages...
Then I saw Justin Timberlake cheated on Jessica Biel...
With Olivia Munn
I'll just say, way to go! Hey, he ran up in both of them...And I'd take Munn over Biel...And if I was him, I'd keep playing the field as long as I could...
That's it for now...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Your St. Ed team should be the one to beat this year. The big Cincy Catholic schools are not as strong this year. Colerain is strong, Middletown is explosive, and LaSalle is the dark horse.
Hope Little Beeze knows the SNL Land Shark bit.
Love the Favre pic.
Great job by Josh Cribbs donating to the university. Go MAC!
I'm not sure the powers at be will give Boise or TCU a chance.
I'm not sure about the powers at be will do the right thing either...Always makes for good debate, and ranting blogs...
I'll hvae to pull up the land shark skit for the boy!
Thanks Frank.
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