Bartender, Give me another! Yes, I'm posting late again, but not as late as last week...Things are crazy around here...This week I'll start the hits off with catching you up with the issue at my kids' school...If you read Monday, you know what I'm talking about...If you didn't, go find it...
My daughter's teacher got back to me Monday Morning...She called me at the Fish House, and explained how it was her fault...The policy in the past was not send home report cards to students who had not had their fees paid...But since they weren't informing us of the fees until report card day, this policy wasn't to be carried out...It was a bit of miscommunication on her part...We she spoke to me on the phone she said how she thought the policy didn't make sense, so she understood my enraged email...She also sent emails to all the parents explaining her mistake...I feel kinda bad for her, because I'm sure the bosses jump up and down on her after they got hammered with emails from angry fuckers like me...But I'm also sure she won't make the same mistake...See folks, even teachers can learn a lesson!
Next, Sports Illustrated (kids) decided to run with this cover...

I get it...The Three Musketeers...Funny though, they look an awful lot like Cavaliers...Even stranger, the Cavaliers recently having changed their image model, after LeBron left, have been highlighting their team slogan, "All for One. One for All." Something tells me that LeBron's idiotic PR machine had input in this cover, because it sure seems like any shot they can take at Cleveland, the fans, or the Cavaliers, they do...
What bunch of ass-hats!
ESPN made one of the best moves in their history this week...The let go Joe Morgan...Which had to be tough after 20 years, and because the weight of his ego couldn't have been easy to unload...Thank God, we don't have to hear anymore stories about the glory days of the "Big Red Machine"...No more comparing every catcher to Johnny Bench...Hell, no more comparing every second baseman to himself...No more of his made up, bullshit stories, that he would use, to try and show he knew more than anyone else about Baseball...You don't Joe! Morgan was a hell of a ball player, but he was also a douche...Watching Sunday Night Baseball with him in the booth, was more painful 4 hours of dental surgery with no drugs...Maybe I'll tune in again this season...
Now to the important stuff...I'm going to change it up a bit this week...Last week Cora seemed to be the big winner...

So let's see how she does this week against two new lovelies...On this fine Hump Day, Which of these ladies would you most like to throw a Hump?
A. Cora

B. Corissa

C. Alana

As always, Read and Respond...
Later The Beeze.
1 comment:
I admit - I don't watch much Sunday Night Baseball.
After seeing the opener, I was ready to see it over the choices. But since "B" was the first one out, I retracted my thoughts. Cora wins again.
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