Well that's one way to pretty up a bathroom...And who doesn't like a little Bathroom Humor? Don't answer that!

Speaking of Bathroom Humor, I'm looking forward to going out with our friends Brian_&_May next week...Those two are always good for a blog full of shenanigans...And they like to mix it up in the Bathroom....

But enough of this stuff, I'll leave the dirty pictures to BRETT_FAVRE...Yes ESPN is still keeping quiet about Favre and his little cock shots...I wonder if they will mention it at all during their broadcast of Monday Night Football...It being the Viking vs. Jets match up...I doubt it...
I get it, "DEADSPIN" broke it...Hacks like me blogged about it...But then Big Names like Jason Whitlock, and Peter King, (I hate King) and others got into it...Once CBS, NBC, FOX, and other news sources start digging into it, it's time for ESPN to acknowledge that their golden boy isn't perfect, no matter what John Madden says...
Moving on...While I have paid hardly any attention to the MLB Playoffs, I did stop and watch the last couple innings of Roy Halladay's no-hitter the other night...While it was a great accomplishment, I'm over it...Now I hope Halladay gets shelled from this point on...WHY? Because some douche decided it would be a great idea to start calling the month of October, "Doctober"...Yes, they've been calling Halladay "Doc" for a number of years...You know, like that guy from the wild west, Doc Holliday...Well guess what...It's fucking stupid...So he threw a no-hitter...It was also the first start he has ever made in the playoffs...It's not like the guy has a long track-record of dominating in the month of October...I'd love to go a week without some assholes douching something up, that needed no douche-baggery...
Next up...Notre Dame Football...Saturday I worked a double at The Fish House...Once I got home and showered, I heated up some pizza from Friday night, cracked open a couple of beers and fired up the DVR'ed ND vs. Pitt game...The defense played their Bend don't Break style pretty well...The offense again was inconsistent...They left points on the field again...Too many field goals, and not enough touchdowns...Hey, I'm glad the Irish finally have a quality kicker, but I'd rather see extra points instead of field goals...For every positive, there is a negative...They didn't turn the ball over...But they were only 4-12 on 3rd don conversions...The Irish have plenty of beatable teams on their schedule, and I hope they can build off of the positives from these last two games...
But in College Football, the game of the week had to be South Carolina taking down #1 Alabama, 35-21...Huge win for the 'Cocks, and Boise State...'Bama slipped down #8 and of course South Carolina is screwed and still sitting behind them...Boise State moved back up to #3, with Ohio State #1 and Oregon #2...I expect the Luckeyes lose, like I said in my pre-season post, to either Wisconsin or Iowa...Squeaking by Illinois, and blowing out Indiana, Ohio, Eastern Michigan, and Marshall isn't that impressive...I also expect to see Oregon take a loss...The Pac-Ten has a tendency to beat up on each other...
With all that said, I'm sure the polls will find a way to screw,not just Boise State, but also TCU...Nabraska, Oklahoma, Auburn, and LSU are still undefeated, and in power conferences...
As for the NFL, I don't know...I'm not real excited about it yet...Hell I keep finding myself doing something to avoid watching the Browns games...Yes they lost Sunday...What did I do...I took the Beeze family to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and Planetarium...We've been there many times before, but the boy wanted to go again...He loves the place...Today we took in a show at the Planetarium,and it was really cool...Kind of a geeks delights...A large part of the show was about Pluto...I was against the whole taking the title of planet away, but after this, I was sold...Fuck Pluto! If for no other reason, they've found 25 other objects like Pluto, and who the hell wants to learn 25 more planets?
Afterwards we hit the gift shop, of course...The boy got a bag off sea creatures to play with his growing shark collection...Lots of shit getting eaten by sharks in this house lately...
Before I go, I want to share a video...I caught wind of it via twitter...There's no audio, but you don't need it to laugh your ass off at this dolt!
Have a great week....
Later, The Beeze.
Why can I not stop laughing after someone falls down an elevator shaft?
I know, it's hilarious, right!?!
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