(hehee, I showed her my junk!)
So "DEADSPIN" started the rumors back in August...Now they have voice mails and pictures...Voice mails and pictures Favre sent to JENN_STERGER ...Pictures of his cock...If you listen to the voice mails, you gotta feel sorry for the guy...Dude has no game! If you see the pictures, you gotta feel bad for the guy...Now we know why he wears #4...If you're going to show it off, it better be impressive...
Oh, you haven't seen or heard this shit yet...HERE_YA_GO!
Now I know that "DEADSPIN" is known for being more of a tabloid style, sports site, but they do get plenty of things right...And really, that does sound like Favre on those voice mails...Then today, "DEASPIN" put up THIS_LIST of what other media outlets were saying about the story...
Two things stood out to me...First, Jason Whitlock's ARTICLE on this situation...Now I'm not a fan of all this sexual harassment garbage that goes on these days...If it wasn't for a little workplace sexual harassment, I wouldn't have a wife...That's right people, Mr. and Mrs. Beeze hooked up at work...A little sexual innuendo here, a little grab ass there,a little sex on the bar...Boom! Married two kids and another on the way!
But nonetheless, it's something that's out there...She was an employee of the Jets, and so was he...So the Jets and the NFL should be taking a long look at this...But something tells me Brett won't be treated as harshly as the countless other NFL players who have screwed up in recent years...
The second thing that stood out to me...ESPN, and their complete and total silence on this topic...I mean hell, they cover the Brett Favre off-season, drama queen act religiously, but now when the dirt starts flying, they go silent...Nothing online, nothing on the radio, nothing TV...I guess they're going with that theory of 'If we just ignore it, it'll go away.' Or maybe their big ego has them playing the, 'If we don't cover it, it's not really news' card...Of course they can't say anything bad about their golden boy!
Once again, "The world wide leader" shows that they're the "world wide leader" in bullshit!
I hope Favre's wife leaves him, and takes a shit-ton of his money...I hope Jets players mock his little dick all night long, during Monday Night's game...I hope he is fined and suspended...I hope ESPN turns on him...Then I can right another blog about what tools they are...I would normally hope for an injury, but I'd rather see him mocked all season long, and spend his nights alone, weeping in the corner, using his tears as lube, while he pulls on his little pud, screaming 'WHY JENN! WHY!?!'
Later, The Beeze.
I actually wrote earlier ESPN won't besmirchg their deity
and I was right
PTI mentioned it for 15 seconds, with Wimpon dismissing it
as ordered
You were also ahead of ESPN because this isn't your first post on this topic. Of course no matter the media outlet, no one can report in Beeze Style.
Thanks for that compliment Farnk!
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