And Hippies! Let me start by apologizing to my animal loving, and tree hugging friends...I love you all, and I admire your conviction...But with that out of the way, I have to get this off my chest...
I heard a story via big, fat, Rush Limbaugh...I can't stand the guy, but sometimes on turn him or Glenn Beck, just to see what kind of bullshit they are spewing...Eventually I get sick and turn them off...I do the same with MSNBC, wind-bag Keith Olbermann...These three are always good for material...So anyways, Fatty Limbaugh blurted out a story on a government study about Sea Otters in Alaska, and the #1 reason for their decline in population was, Killer Whales...
NO SHIT! The 6 year old Little Beeze knew that...Hell we've watched videos on YouTube of Killer Whales eating Sea Otters and Seals...How is anyone shocked by this? But there's more...There is also a proposal for a $15 million dollar recovery plan for the Sea Otters...
This bothered me, because I get sick of Republicans talking about Democrats always wanting "Big Government" to have more power...This as some Conservative, Republican, douchebag is fingering a boy's asshole, while he says gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married...Well maybe both parties want government to have too much power...As a matter of fact, they do have too much power...
Back to the fucking Otters...So I started researching this story...It's true...Son of a bitch, Big, Fat, Rush wasn't lying...Hell I found the story on MSNBC, Fox, CBS, and CNN's websites...I also looked up the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website...
Listen folks, this may upset some people, but when has that stopped me before? I'm not an animal lover, so I don't give a shit! Last time I looked, the guy with the knives, and tongs, and grill was the mother fucker at the top of the food chain...Bring me a Sea Otter at The Fish House, and make that little fella taste delicious!
But beyond my cooking skills, and my belief in the Food Chain...I don't want my tax dollars saving animals...You know what is going to happen when the Sea Otter population recovers, and our $15 million dollars are gone? The Whales are going to eat them again! Oh, and by the way, if you protect the Sea Otters, what are the Whales going to eat?
You know who's fault all this is? You damn "Save the Whales" people! Because of you saving Whales, now the Sea Otters are suffering...And now the "Save the Sea Otters" people want to take more of our hard earned money...By now, I'm sure you know how I feel about this...Screw the Sea Otters...Swim faster dummies!
Do we need a little "Lion King" sing-a-long? Remember "The Circle of Life"...Part of the circle is death...Tomorrow's special at The Fish House...Roasted Sea Otter, with Sweet Potato Puree, Swiss Chard, and a Mustard Cream Sauce...
Now I'm going to see if I can spot any Whale Tails...

Natural predator-prey relationships are the way it works. Most (if not all) overzealous causes miss the boat.
Good rant.
This is coming from your hippie tree hugging friend who doesn't eat meat or anything related to the topic.
It's a distraction because it makes them look like they give a shit. Save something that has nothing to do with anything that will disrupt their real causes - but hey - Amarillo TX.
Politicians are d'bags. May be there someone in that mess who really wants change, but they either can't or are to afraid to stand up because they know they'll lose their job.
It's 1775 all over again. Or at least it should be.
It is tiresome. 15 million for sea otters? How about pumping that money into creating jobs for Americans in America?
All politicians are these days are mouth pieces for special interest groups, corps and lobbyists. Yes, they already have a hold on the teabagger party too.
A revolution of common sense must take place. If it is not done soon, these times will be the death of our children, not the freaking deficits.
See people...I knew I wasn't alone...Fuck the Sea Otters!
Nothing like some ranting to bring people together!
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