So, there's a Cleveland area school that did a "Holiday" show...They did songs that represented all holidays around this time of year, for all faiths...Including a Chanuka song, partly sung in Hebrew...Hey, that's great...I got no problem with that...Until, it came time for the kids to sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."
Give me a second, I'm trying to stay calm...
They changed the words to, "We wish you a rockin' holiday."
Seriously...I'm not joking...Some f**k stain made these kids take Christmas out of a song, and made them sing one of the hackiest things I've ever heard..."We wish you a rockin' holiday."
First of all, some one should be beaten for this...I'm not even joking about that...Second, at least...At least 75% of the kids in this school celebrate Christmas...But they had to cater to everyone else, while some douche bag in charge had them take a dump on Christmas...People need to be fired...Parents should take there kids out of that dolt run school...And some one needs to be beaten!
Tonight my son, who's in Pre-Kindergarten, had his Christmas Concert...They sang the silly stuff..."Must be Santa"..."Jingle Bells" (they were ringin' the hell out of their bells)..."Frosty the Snowman"..."Santa Claus is Coming to Town"...All that crap, and then they closed with, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." They didn't change the words to something stupid...They just sang it how it was written...And guess what? No one was offended, and we all had cookies and juice afterwards...Thank God my school system isn't totally f**ked yet!
Moving on to something else I touched on Monday...I talked about The Opie & Anthony Homeless Shopping Spree, and how cool it was...And how great it was to see the snobs be offended by these homeless people in their mall...Well it looks like it's not going to happen...
In the past, O & A approached things with a "Gorilla" type of tactic...Act first and ask for forgiveness afterwards...Well the Sirius/XM lawyers stuck their noses in it this year, and thought it would be a good idea to ask the mall for permission...That's right ask the mall if they could bring homeless people there with gift cards, and let them buy things they need...It doesn't sound that bad, right?
Think again...Every mall in the New York city area, along with malls in Jersey, have said no...Don't come here...Don't do charity in our malls...Don't spend money in our malls...Business may be slow, but we don't want poor people in here, even if they all have $200 gift cards and your fans are buying them stuff too...We want no part of it...
It's really sad to think, it's almost 2010, and this is as far as we've come in the United States...It's scary how many human beings are out there, who truly make me sick...I hope everyone of those malls burn to the ground.
Now, with that, let's end with one of my favorite Christmas songs...
Later, The Beeze.
Christmas PC infuriates me as well, but you know how much I hate touchy feely crap.
Love the Kinks
It's crazy how even in my young life (24), things have changed. Not only are things changing to "Happy Holidays", but stores are now open on Christmas, and not only are they open, but they're open for most of the day. I remember back when I was younger, we were out of milk on Christmas morning, and were stuck because all the grocery stores were closed. Crazy how things have changed.
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