But here I am, I feel like I'm spinning out of control already...But one last thing about the party...Little Beeze loved it...Loved the girls all over the place...His buddy was like, "There's too much girls here." My boy was saying, "They're really nice...Let's see what they're doing." And of course, kissing as many as he could!
But let's get to important sh!t...The BCS bowls have been decided...While I think the Fiesta Bowl may be a great match up between Boise State and TCU...I'd rather see each of them play one of the big boys...This way, the BCS gets one of these two teams taking a loss...That and I think they were afraid of seeing Boise State take some one down...And TCU taking some one else down...That would make their stupid system look real bad...Well worse then it already does...
Cincinnati gets to take on Florida...They may have some trouble with the Gators defense...But they sure do know how to score points...I hope they make Tebow cry again...That's right Tim Tebow cried...I loved it!
I have to say, Saturday had some great games...Nebraska almost took down Texas...Pitt and Cincy had an awesome back and forth battle...But one I really enjoyed watching was USF at UConn...Anytime there's football and snow together...I'm watching it!
Sure there was no conference title at stake...It was just two schools playing for pride...And it was awesome...Another back and forth game where UConn won it on a last second field goal...I've been cracking on the Big lEast for a couple years now...But they've had some great games in conference this year...And it seems like the conference as a whole is getting stronger...
There was another game I was watching Saturday night...The Ohio High School, Division 1 State Championship...It was Cleveland Glenville vs Hilliard Davidson...If the Tarblooders of Glenville won...They would be the first Cleveland public school to win a state football championship...
The first half was a defensive battle...The strong defense continued in the second half...But late in the game Glenville went up 15-8...But the Wildcats of Davidson came back with lead by the legs of Quarterback Jake Trubiano, who rushed for 196 yards on 18 carries...The Wildcats scored with 1 minute and 4 seconds left...Then it was decision time...Go for the win, or the tie, and play for OT...Coach Brian White did what he did in 2006...They went for two...It paid off then, why not now...Trubiano took the ball in for the two-point conversion on a play they've never used in a game before..."It's the first time we've used it, but when we started practicing it a few weeks ago, coach said to me, 'This play will never fail,' " Trubiano said...

On the NFL front...The Browns lost, of course...But at least their offense scored some points...My adopted team, The New England Patriots...They kinda looked Brownish, as they sh!t the bed again this week, losing a game they should have won...
I wanna go to bed now, but I can't leave without talking about Fatty Weis...I guess he missed the media being able to take shots at him...So he put his big fat ass back in the line of fire by talking shit about Pete Carroll...This is from interview transcript from IrishIllustrated.com senior editor Tim Prister...
Weis responded: "Let me ask you this question: You guys know about things that go on in different places. Was I living with a grad student in Malibu, or was I living with my wife in my house? You could bet that if I were living with a grad student here in South Bend, it would be national news.
"He's doing it in Malibu and it's not national news. What's the difference? I don't understand. Why is it OK for one guy to do things like that, but for me, I'm scrutinized when I swear. I'm sorry for swearing; absolve my sins."
Really Fatty? Way to air out another coaches dirty laundry...True or not, it's a douche bag move...
Carroll responded by saying, "It's untrue, it's irresponsible and it's incredible he'd be talking about me like that." Later after talking to Weis, Carroll said, "He apologized profusely for being represented wrongly. I'm not commenting anymore."
What Carroll should have said was, 'That fat F**k! He's just jealous cause nobody in heir right mind would want to f**k him...Christ he hasn't seen his d!ck since 1972, that fat piece of shit...Have another cheeseburger and die Charlie!'
Or something like that!
That's it for now...Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.
the BcS blows
I am sure TCU, Boise, and Cincy could beat the overrated BcS golden boys
hope you feel better soon
I'm right with ya 3rd!
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