Now, I'm going to move on to the death of Bengals receiver Chris Henry...I had commented on other blogs, and even though it may not have seemed like it...I bit my tongue a little...But now I'm gonna let it all fly...The day Henry died it was all over sports talk radio, and blogs...I was listening to Mad Dog Unleashed...Most of the time I don't agree with the Dog...But he's fun to listen to...He's always blowing a gasket, and stumbling over his own words...
He was talking to a caller who said he was a police officer...This guy didn't like Mad Dog Russo's outlook on Henry...And thought we should all feel the same about every life lost...Russo disagreed...So did I...I'm going to feel different about a soldier losing his life in battle...I'm going to feel different about a police officer or firefighter losing their life in the line of duty...I'm going to feel different for a helpless child that gets killed by disease, or a drunk driver...
How I feel about their deaths will not be the same as a football player who is a 3 and 4 timer loser...Henry's rap sheet was as long as Tiger Woods' driver...He should have been in jail getting a pink sock from Bubba...But instead, he was given chance after chance, after chance...Because he played football...If it was you or me, we would have been locked-up...Do I feel bad for his family...Yes, but I felt bad for them every time they had to see his mug on TV standing in a courtroom...
And since I mentioned Tiger Woods' driver...You should check this out...
Now, I'd like to apologize for my lack of blogging lately...This time of year is crazy at the Fish House, and even though I've wanted to post things, I just haven't had it in me...Or haven't had the time...The kids and getting things together for Christmas can slow you down too...But back to the Fish House...
My Father always use to tell us, "Every man should have to serve at least two years for his country, and box one year in the Golden Gloves." I've got something that needs to be added to that list...Everyone...And I mean Everyone, should have to work at least one year in the restaurant business...Maybe then there wouldn't be so many assholes who go out to eat...
We have this pack of douche bags that come in once a week...There's no doubt in my mind, that these ass-hats go out of their way to be a pain in servers and cooks asses...There life is so empty, they have to come in and make themselves feel big by running people ragged...Then after our staff has busted it's ass, these tw@ts tip for sh!t...I'm sure they leave feeling very superior, only to go home, drink a bottle of wine alone, masturbate, and pass out crying...Enjoy douche bags!
Since I mentioned rubbing one out, this gal would like to wish you a Merry Christmas...

For those of you who follow this blog, you may know my daughter asked Santa for a puppy...Not happening...I got her a bike instead...Can't wait be putting that together at midnight on Christmas Eve...We did get her one of those Fur Real dogs...And a book about how to take care of a puppy...Santa is basically giving her a test, and trying to buy my allergies an extra year...
The boy wants Spike the Dinosaur...We got one last night $20 off...Then we had to go to another store...They had spike another $20 dollars cheaper...So we bought it, and took the other one back...Hey, money is money and if I can save some this year, I will...I had started the day in the Christmas spirit...But when we got done shopping, not so much...Then we had a great Italian dinner, and I knocked down a few Christmas Ale's...That got the spirit back...
Both of our kids asked for a baby...NOPE! Not Happening!
Hardest gift I had to buy...I got my Father a Ron Hextall shirt...Hextall was one of my dad's all-time favorites, and he was an animal...I can respect that...But he was a Flyer, and I'm a Rangers guy...So it was tough, but the old man deserves it...
Easy gift to buy...Anal Ease to use on the wife! We both have already made our New Year's resolution...It's to lose weight...There is a certain number I have to hit...If I do, I get to go to that very special, deep dark place...Game on!
Sports news...Josh Cribbs again showed he's a stud in the Browns victory this week...What!?! Two in a row! Please Browns, pay the man...He's the best thing you got!
The Saints lost to Cowboys...Now it's down to the Colts...I hate the Mannings and I don't like the Colts, and them continuing to win is putting that dolt Mercury Morris back in front of Microphones...Could some one please put a muzzle on him for Christmas...
I need to get going here, But lets close with a little Christmas music from the lovely Natalie Gelman...
Merry Christmas to you and yours...
Later, The Beeze.
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