So there's been some things floating around in my head the last day or so...Traditionally for me, the only way to get them out is to do a little ranting here on my blog...So let's get this little ball of hate rolling!
First, the story that looks like the sticky booger of the news world...Tiger Woods, this crap isn't going away...What's worse, is I said news world...Even though there are plenty more things that I would consider news worthy, the bobble heads in the media, are just gonna pound the sh!t out of this one...WHY? Sex sells! Fallen heroes sell...And yes, Tiger is a hero and role model to some people...We seem to throw those monikers around too easily...
So here's my view on it all...Clearly he's douche bag...He's earned that title now too...Once you pull the crap he has, you're a douche in my book, and there's no coming back...
The media, can go screw too...If TMZ and the tabloid shows want to pound on this story...Fine...Turning the dirt is their thing...But I shouldn't have to here it right from jump on the nightly news...or my local news...But the sad thing is...If you had one channel covering nothing but real news...War coverage...The idiots in DC...Who killed who today...All that crap...And then you had one channel showing nothing but Tiger Woods crap...The Tiger channel would win...
WHY? 'Cause we're a sick voyeuristic society...Myself included...I just watched bad amateur porn!
Next, NFL Commissioner Rodger Goodell said this week, that he'd like players to inform their teams if they notice a teammate who seems to be suffering from the effects of a concussion...WHAT? Hines Ward blasted his teammate Big Ben, because Ben told the team about his own symptoms...This clown thinks players are gonna rat each other out...What a dolt!
BTW, F**k Hines Ward!
Then he also says he thinks the league should add two more regular season games...Wait...You're trying to deal with the growing number of players who have had serious head injuries, but you think it's a good idea to add more games...What the f**k is wrong with this ass hat!?!
Now, onto something that brought me great joy yesterday...Jesse Ventura was on Opie & Anthony yesterday...He's been on before, and while I think he's nuts...I enjoy hearing is views...I love hearing conspiracy theories, and different points of view...Even if they are nuts...That just makes me feel better about myself...
So Ventura got into it over and over again with comedian Jim Norton...Now, I don't agree with everything Norton said, I enjoyed that he questioned Ventura, and called him out on his bullsh!t at times, and wouldn't back down...
The video I'm going to show, doesn't show everything that happened...So I'll clue you int to a few things...Ventura was so upset that he threatened to kill Norton once...Then later tried to be the tough guy, bully...He just looked and sounded like an ass...
At 3:20 in the video, When Ventura is walking out, Norton questions him on...Ventura says, "There's a f**king guy here telling me I gotta a schedule a$$hole." Except that earlier Ventura told them he had 2 hours because another show canceled...He's a douche!
During his time on the show, Ventura continuously threw it in their faces that they never served in the military and he did...He often brings up his time as a Navy SEAL...Problem is...He wasn't...He was a member of The Under Water Demolition Team, which didn't become part of the Navy SEAL's until 1983...He served from '69-'73...He brought his time in Vietnam..Except it's been reported over the years, that he spent his time during Vietnam in the Philippines...I respect anyone, and everyone who serves their country...But just because guy 1 served and guy 2 didn't, doesn't mean guy 2 doesn't have a right to his opinion...A bad example would be me, who's been cooking since I was 13, saying you're not aloud to have an opinion on food because you never cooked...It's childish, and narrow minded...
Ventura is a nut-job, and douche bag!
If you think I'm being a liberal b!tch...First, go screw...Second, I'll be posting a blog soon, blasting the Democratic party, for being a weak bunch of ninnies lately...
That's it for now...
Later, The Beeze.
Great post and rant as usual Beeze.
Goodell is going to ruin the NFL eventually. From wanting a 18 game schedule, to his ambitious thoughts of putting an NFL franchise overseas and the inability to bring the owners and players together on a new CBA. I forsee a lockout coming after next season. Hasn't all these rich ass hats (owners & players) realize these type of things really hurt the game. We common folk have no time for their bitching over a few million dollars when they're all overpaid to begin with.
I hate politics, always have and always will. Almost as much as I hate organized religion or the fairy tale people like to call the Bible. A big reason why I loathe politics is the video you posted. Every politician wants to jump on their soapbox and scream from the mountain tops their views and opinions, but soon as they quetioned hard about those view points and how they will really help anyone, but themselves they just fly off the handle and hide.
Tiger is a dolt as you would call it, but hasn't he always been that way. Shhing the crowd, getting angry over picture takers and now cheating on his wife. Well, I am far from one to judge on the last subject as I too have cheated on my wife and she has forgiven me, but I have to live with the fact that she can never really fully trust me again. I can feel that in the air everyday and see it in her eyes everytime we talk. I know that she loves me otherwise she would have never given me a second chance, but living with the guilt and shame I feel is the most difficult thing I have ever had to face. I feel as I have learned from my experience and work everyday to ensure I never hurt anyone like I did when I pulled this moronic, hurtful act. I hope for Tiger's family sake that he can do the same, but I don't have much confidence in him just in the way he has dealt with it so far. I pray for his kids that this will not scar them too deeply.
As far as the media coverage goes I completely agree with you. WAY OVER DONE! Lets talk about people like my cousin who just re-enlisted into the Marines and hopes to serve his third tour of duty in the Middle East. These are the real role models who are kids should be looking up to. Those willing to risk their lives for the rest of us.
Look at me leaving my own post on your blog, sorry about that. I guess your ranting touched a nerve. As always, keep up the great work. We all really enjoy it.
Evan, you never have to apologize for commenting on this blog, no matter how long the rant may be...
Thanks, for reading, thanks for the comments, and thanks for the kind words!
And Everyone else Check out Evan's blog... http://www.tddance.com/
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