Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fucking Awards

Look at that sad looking fella...What is it?  It's a character from some thing called "Five Nights of Freddie" that my son is into...He made this in just a few minutes after he got home from school today...My wife brought the kids home early...She was quite pissed off and upset...Today was their schools awards ceremony...They do it every year, they give out awards to the kids that made honor roll, and all that stuff, but they always mix in bullshit awards so everyone feels good....Right? That's the world we're in...

I've always been against the whole "Every kid gets a trophy"..."Every kid is a winner"..."Every kid gets an award" mentality...But I've accepted it...When I was coaching Baseball for the Rec that didn't keep score, and everyone wins, everyone got pissed when they found out the Rec didn't put awards in their budget...I was the guy that bought medals for the kids out of my pocket...So yeah, I've accepted it...

So at the Awards today, they brought up each class up on the stage and called the kids names out for their awards...Academic ones, band ones, and the BS ones...Every kid in my sons class got at least two awards...My son's name was never called for anything...What the fuck! 

The thing is, they know how hard it has been for him...When we moved the kids there a few years ago, it was because my daughter was choked at recess by a boy, and his punishment was no recess for a week...Also my kids weren't being challenge academically...When he got there he was a half a year behind his 2nd grade class...they worked hard with him and got him caught up...He had struggles each year and was diagnosed with ADD this year...But he always did well...This year was also tough because his two best friends, (twin brothers) moved during the Summer...He felt excluded often...He's a high strung kid, and often nervous...It was a long year, but his final grades are all A's and B's with one C...So how the fuck does he not get at least a BS award?

He's amazing at art...He has more artistic ability in one pinky then the idiot art teacher could ever dream to have...Now her kid sucked at Baseball, but when he was on my team, I still gave him an award...So at least throw the kid a bone in art right? Wrong!  I assume she (the art teacher) dogged my son because I chewed her out last year when in her art classroom, a boy called my daughter a dyke, and she responded by telling him he's going to die alone...My daughter got detention, and the asshole boy got no punishment...

Yes, this Catholic school has done some good things for my family and helped our kids...But today they embarrassed and alienated my son in front of everyone...They kicked his confidence in the throat, and gave him back the feelings he had earlier in the year, that "No one there likes me." Doesn't seem very Christian to me...It just seems shitty...His 80 year old homeroom teacher should retire, or at least die!  My kids aren't going back there...That place can suck my ass....

Seems like my son was able to put his sadness into this little guy...Totally more talented then that bitch will ever be!

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