Riley Cooper....Riley, fucking, Cooper...Who the fuck is Riley Cooper? That's what I was saying when all of the sudden the "News" and "Sports News" media started talking about Riley Cooper as if he was some one important...'What did this nobody do?' is what I was thinking...Then I saw it...
Let me start by saying this....Why is anyone shocked that a guy named Riley Cooper got drunk and said he wanted to fight Niggers? If your name is Riley Cooper, you might be a redneck...Shit, you are! A guy named Riley Cooper, shit I would just assume he's always drunked up...Drunk, white guy, with a really white name, at a country concert....I bet he wasn't the only asshole saying ignorant shit!
So why are we shocked...Yes, it's 2013...We would all like to believe racism is dead, but lets stop fooling ourselves....Hate ain't going anywhere!
We play shocked, especially those in the media, because we saw it...All of us...Why did we see it? Because it's 2013 and everyone, including those under the poverty line, have smart phones, and everyone is looking to get 15 seconds of fame with the next big viral video...Everyone has there fingers ready to film...Ready to tweet...Ready to instagram....Ready to facebook every little thing that happens...And if they see a dopey NFL player, or any athlete, musician, or actor, they are hoping that person fucks up, and they catch it on their smart-phone, so they can share it with the world...
The American Dream use to be, provide for your family, give your kids a better life than you had...Have something to retire with...Now, it's get a viral video, get some pub on Gawker or Deadspin, maybe even Huffington Post...Get on a "reality" show, and be famous, if only for minutes, for no good God Damned reason at all....
And all of you fuckers out there running around, trying to catch the next viral video...Dying to tweet the link...Get it on Vine, and YouTube, and Instagram...Post the link on your Facebook...All of you fuckers are the same fuckers bitching that the Government is spying on us...That Snowden is fucking hero...No, he broke the law...Broke the contract he signed when he was given clearance, and is most likely selling shit to Russia...He's fucking traitorous cunt! Guess what...The government doesn't need to spy on you shit-dicks...You just posted everything about yourself online trying to be a viral superstar!
Is what Cooper did stupid? Yes...Is Cooper an asshole? Yes...Do you believe Cooper was just being a drunk ass, and he's not really a racist? Who fucking cares! He's an asshole that said shit we never would have heard had some douche not been sticking his phone in his face...And why is the White guilt stricken media, and so-called Black activists so fixed on shit like this, when there are real, and serious problems out there in the Black community....
And in case you missed it, the brother of Cooper's teammate, Michael Vick...You know his little brother who has constantly been in trouble with the law, and the NCAA back in the day...Yep, Marcus Vick, the classy guy he is, put a bounty on Cooper...Offering up big money to any safety who takes Cooper out...Listen, Cooper is dick...He said Nigger...Okay...The Vick brothers, killed fucking dogs...Lots of dogs dead at their hands...I don't even like animals, but I consider killing and abusing dogs worse then saying nigger...So shut the fuck up dude who couldn't make it in the NFL, because he couldn't stop getting arrested!
-How about some baseball...Everyone has been waiting on the news about A-Roid and the other cheaters...Here's all I have to say...A-Roid tried to buy people off...Tried to destroy evidence...And has done whatever he could to fuck with MLB and drag this out...Dude should get the life-time ban...Then they say the Yankees will get out from under his contract...Fuck that...They re-upped the guy to his outrageous contract, knowing he had already been a cheater once before...Fuck them too!
But the baseball story that caught my eye was Texas pitcher, Matt Garza attacking A's Eric Sogard and his wife Kaycee via twitter...Sogard and the A's dropped 4 bunts on Garza Saturday, 2 from Sogard, including a key squeeze in the 7th...Apparently, Garza sucks as a fielder, and can't handle teams bunting on his sorry ass....So the A's took advantage of that...Garza had shouted some shit at Sogard on the field...Garza says he asked "Where to eat in Oakland?"
Sogard's wife tweeted after the incident that "@EricSogard would be the last person to respond to getting called names"
That somehow lead Garza to going bat-shit crazy and getting into a one-sided twitter war with the Sogards....
The Sogards never bothered to get into it with Garza who's twitter account is protected, so he has to approve you before you can follow him and see his tweets...So, it's not manly to bunt, or to have a wife that supports you...But it is manly to bash people behind a locked twitter account...FUCK MATT GARZA!
I don't follow him, but I did tweet @ him a number of times, making it clear that I think he's a cunt...
-As for me, the family and I had a great long weekend...Going to work is gonna suck!
-Football season is right around the corner...And thanks to SNL there is now a funny guide showing the differences in the two forms of Football played in the world...
Sign up for some Fantasy Football...and have a week....
The Beeze.
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