In the past I have talked about running for President...It's all been written with humor, and a touch of seriousness...The things I have said I would push to do, are actually things I would love to do...Things like legalizing pot, and taxing it like we do with cigarettes and alcohol, and legalizing prostitution, and taxes those chicks and regulating that shit...Yep, I'd really do that shit...
Well, I have something else on that to-do list...Get rid of pennies...They taught us all about rounding our numbers in school when we were tiny tots...Shit my kids have learned that shit too...Well lets put it to use...Fuck pennies...FACT: It costs 3 cents to make each of those stupid ass 1 cent pennies...Right off the rip, we're pissing money away...Get rid of stupid pennies...Round prices up or down...Enough of this X number of dollars and 99 cents shit...Round it up to the next dollar...
Loose change is just an annoyance...I'd be all for getting rid of nickles too...Shit, the hell with dimes...Quarters may have to stick around a little longer, but I'm all for getting rid of all coins...The majority of us, when not using cash, are swiping our cards...ATM cards, and credit cards...We've all seen the guy buying $6.84 of shit at a corner store or coffee shop, or gas station...And what does he use...A card...So fuck the coins...Round the prices, and stop losing money making stupid fucking pennies!
I approve this message!
The Beeze.
Pennies keep "the man" honest - I mean imagine what gas prices would look like without the penny - no more of this 9/10 cent shit...
I can't lie, loose change has gotten me through many a month, as I save it anticipating something unexpected.
As Mo said, perhaps in addition to the penny going away, perhaps the fed could see fit to drop the 9/10 of a cent.
But if it takes three pennies to make one, just stop making more. Keep the ones in circulation for whatever, and as they come back into the fed system, then they can close 'em out.
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