Wednesday night this stupid bitch Lady Gag came to Cleveland...Clearly I'm not a fan, and I wasn't at the show...But my big, gay, co-worker was...Yes, Lady Gag is the new Queen of the gays, taking over for Madonna...By taking over, I mean being a total Madonna copy-cat...So he gave me all the details to help fuel my rage...Why should I get worked up about this? I don't like her, or her music...Hell I have heard hardly any of it...
Well one reason is she's an unoriginal twat...Another reason is she tries way to hard to be shocking...It's just gotten pretty fucking lame...And we all know, I love calling people out for being assholes...
So, at Wednesday night she decided to make the audience wait...They waited 2 hours after the time she was suppose to be on stage, for her to finally show up and do her Madonna-like show...2 hours...I wouldn't wait 2 hours for anyone...Even worse, people paid up to $250 for tickets...Including my informant...Listen, I wouldn't pay $250 to see Jesus, let alone this hack...
So Thursday, when it gt out how she made people wait, and many were unhappy, she made a statement saying she was talking to her mother, who is very sick...Umm, I don't give a fuck...You raped people for $250 a seat, you get your ass out on that stage on time...Tell my she's gotta call back later...There's a arena full of broke-ass queens, who spent a shit-load on tickets and glitter...Get out there and dance whore!
My informant also told me about her little, 'let me shock people moments' like when she said, "All my fags pull out you dicks and start beating them." Really? People paid $250 to have this gash tell gay guys to circle jerk! Hey I'm all for masturbation...I just rubbed one out a few minutes ago, but I wouldn't want to go to a concert and see a bunch of guys punchin' the munchkin'
I was told there were kids there...Young teens...Parents who let a kid that wasn't at least in high school, should be beaten...You should know what this hole is about...If my daughter was 13 and wanted to go to this show, the answer would have been a big fucking NO...Hey I didn't let my daughter see Miley Cyrus' last tour, because it wasn't Hannah Montana, it was Miley, sluttin' it up on stage...
I feel as if I'm sounding kinda prudish...Maybe, but oh fucking well...Lady Gaga sucks...Her antics are annoying...She's unoriginal, and she made people wait 2 hours after they spent way too much money to watch her nonsense...Fuck her!
Later the Beeze.
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