And I don't need to wear a hoodie...Oh wait, I do...I live in Cleveland, I wear a hoodie almost every day for 7 months out of the year...Of all the crap that has gone on with this story, the hoodie thing was the first thing to really piss me off...People saying he was shot because he was wearing a hoodie and was profiled...People like Geraldo Riveria saying the hoodie had as much to do with his death, as George Zimmerman...Holy fuck that is one of the six most retarded things I have ever heard...
I see people of all races in hoodies every day, and I don't profile them, nor do I think they need to be shot...Hell at the Fish House, in one shift, I'll see 2 black guys, a Hispanic chick, a Palestinian, and two whit guys all show up wearing hoodies...No one has been shot yet, not even my hoodie wearing big mouth...
Now the facts of this case are just sketchy as hell...And then when the media decided to cover it, the majority of them jumped automatically to the side of Trayvon...The problem is, when I grew up, TV news was suppose to report the news...But now we have 3 major, 24 hour news channels, that compete with each other drive-time radio talk shows...So they editorialize, take their sides and fill people's heads with opinions instead of facts...
And the facts in this case have been limited...Zimmerman seems like a douche...From what I heard when he called 911, this guy was too gung-ho to get this kid...Then it was said that Trayvon beat his ass, and that's what got him shot...Although the video released last week made it look like Zimmerman didn't have a scratch on him...But be honest, it wasn't the best footage...That said, if this creep started following me, I probably would have had words with him...Depending on how the words went, I'd probably swing on him...
Now there are "experts" analyzing the 911 calls trying to say who's voice is who's...
The thing is, none of us were there...So why the fuck are we all putting in our two cents? And why this case? In this world, kids die everyday...Shit narrow it down to the U.S. ...Everyday kids are dying violent deaths, and little to nothing is said...It's blocked out...But if shit gets slow, the media picks a story, and stirs the pot...
So why didn't they pick THIS story? Two kids lighting another kid on fire wasn't good enough...And why in the Trayvon Martin shooting is so much made about the fact that he was black...Yet, in the story I just linked above, they try to keep it quiet that it was 2 black kids lighting a white kid on fire...Al Sharpton was out there in front of cameras and microphones for Trayvon...Why won't he do the same a white kid named Allen Goin? Because he's one of the biggest, fucking, racists alive...Shit, I use to watch some shit on MSNBC, but once they gave that evil fuck a show, they lost a lot of credibility...Sorry Rachael Maddow, I like you, but your network fucked up...
The media barely let anyone know about this story because they refuse to show racism going both ways...They don't even want to come close to accusing a black person of a racially motivated attack...The PC world we live in has cut the balls off the news media...
Why is there almost no coverage about THESE two teens that were shot Saturday?
There is awful, fucking violence going on everyday in this country...Far too much of it involves the youth of this country...But the news media picks and chooses what they want to share with the public...They stir the pot, they feed the fears...It's frighting to think about just how much power and influence these media corporations have over the viewing public...
Why do we even call it news...Remember when Wrestling came out and finally started calling what they did, "Sports Entertainment"...It's time for the news to come out of the closet and start saying they're "News Entertainment."
I'm sorry Trayvon Martin is dead...But I'm not him...I'm sorry Allen Goin got set on fire...But I'm not him...I'm me, and too busy telling my kids the truth, and teaching them right from wrong, to be anyone else...Because I know the "News Entertainment" won't teach them that!
Later, The Beeze.
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