There's a major change happening in my life right now...You've all read plenty about me working at The Fish House...All total, I've spent 17 years working there...Mrs. Beeze and I met there...It's possible that we made our first born daughter there...Well, the big bosses upstairs have decided to start moving people around in the company...And I'm one of those people...After 17 years in The Fish House, they're kicking me over to one of their sister restaurants...I'm heading to one of their steak houses...Don't worry, I've cooked plenty of steaks at the Fish House, and other places...I'll be fine, except for the extra money I'll be spending in gas...I'm not happy about the move, but I'm holding back right now...Trying to be a good soldier...
But my friends at the Fish House sent me off in style...Making me a cock and balls cake...Then handing me a bag of goodies...They gave me a ball gag...A candy cock ring...An English cock ring and ball cage...A butt plug...And lube...Where else can you get going away gifts like that...Luckily this weekend was the Mrs. and my anniversary!
-Now onto sports...I wrote a couple days ago about THIS big loss to the Notre Dame Football team, and how it seems to be becoming a problem...
-Then news broke that the Cleveland Indians were signing Johnny Damon...Seriously, WTF!?! Nothing says winning like a washed-up, 38 year old, rag-arm, outfielder, 10 years past his prime! They'd be better off signing an injured Grady Sizemore...Oh wait, they did that too!
Of course they would do this, just days after I PRAISED them for locking up some of there young, core talent...
-Now we hit the NHL...The playoffs started this past week, and so far the games have been action packed...But the discipline is a little fucked up...Saturday night Carl Hagelin threw this shot at Daniel Alfredsson...
Hagelin got a 3 game suspension...Now the hit was a bit high, but it wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of shots I've seen this year...But even worse, this happened just days after Shea Weber slammed Henrik Zetterberg's face into the glass...
All Weber got was a little fine...Are you fucking shitting me...That was ten times worse the Hagelin's hit...Besides the fact that Hagelin doesn't have any history of dirty hits or violence...While Weber is well known for his physical play, and isn't the cleanest guy in the league...This is some,fucked up, retarded bullshit here!
-Speaking of fucked up, retarded bullshit...The stupid ass Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductions were this weekend...And this year was one of those special years were the ceremony is actually held in Cleveland, you know, the city were teh Hall of Fame is located...We're so privileged to be allowed to have the ceremony once every 3 years...Holy fuck, who made this anal rape filled deal...
Then there is the fact that the local media can't control themselves when this happens...Each station has 4 reporters camped outside the same damn place...All going bat-shit crazy because one of the Rolling Stones showed up...Oh, look it's George Clinton and some B-listers...I can hardly fucking contain myself...I better break out that cock-ring and ball cage!
By Saturday night, I was fucking over it...I took to Facebook to share my frustration..."I'm really fucking sick of all the local media outlets, and their non-stop Rock & Roll Hall of Fame coverage...1. Have you been there? It's over-priced and not very impressive...2. If the inductions are such a big deal, why the hell isn't it on TV anywhere...3. Enough with the Guns & Roses talk, and stupid Axl...They only released 3 albums, and only one of those was good...Yet Rush and their 19 studio albums, shit they released 2 in 1975, along with their multiple live albums, are not in yet...Axl, Slash, Duff, the junkie drummer, and insert rhythm guitarist, aren't even worthy of being roadies for Rush...The R&RHOF can suck my ass!"
And I stand by every word I wrote there...Seriously, I went to the R&RHOF once...It cost way too much for what you get...I'll never spend another dime there again in my life...Seriously, Madonna, The Beastie Boys, Guns & Roses are in...But RUSH isn't...Shit, I hate KISS, but they should have been in long before the countless numbers of non-Rock & Roll acts...And ahead of G&R who have had much less of an impact on the industry then those douchebags KISS...
And there are plenty of inductees that I wouldn't call Rock & Roll...More pop type stuff...And I have to ask, while not a fan of Chicago, they should be in there long before a lot of this other shit...And you know what, put Journey in there too...Mother fuckers were gods of the Rock Ballad and Stadium Anthems...
All that bitching about the stupid R&RHOF has me angry as shit again...So I'll close with a picture of my little girl...Already in the 90th percentile in height, here she is trying to take her brothers old big-wheel for a spin...

Have a week...
The Beeze
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