I think that image says a lot...But I've got some sh!t I need to get off my chest...
I hate to get political...But I've had enough with some of the bullsh!t that has been going on...First, I'm registered as a Democrat...Do I believe in everything that party says, or stands for? No...That said, I want the douche bag politicians and douche bag media on the right, to stop calling me a liberal, socialist, blah, blah, blah!
Listen you dolts...I can be a Democrat and not be a liberal puss...By the way my party has been slowly turning into a lot of pusses...There are people who own guns, don't like abortion, and are tired of their taxes going up, who are Democrats...By the way...I love the ass hats on the right who call me (for example) liberal, while they're in the closet with little Johnny...So will those idiotic talking heads on the right please shut up and suckle me...
Now to the douche bag politicians and media on the left...Feel free to suckle me also...I'm a Democrat...That doesn't mean I have to be so damn liberal, that I sit in the corner sucking my thumb, saying 'please don't hurt me'...Like so many of you sorry bastards do...So stop trying to tell me to be liberal...And by the way...Grow some stones...The Democratic party has gotten soft...The "leaders" say one thing, but always seem to back down...Not because their opponent is right...Because they're afraid to piss people off...Knuckle up!
The worst thing about most politicians...Then don't care what we think...They don't listen to the people whom they represent...The system is screwed, and so are we...
Since I'm going on about political bullsh!t...A number of schools in the Cleveland area didn't show President Obama's address to school students today...Why? No, seriously, I'm f**king asking why! There was no uproar when President Reagan did it...There was some stink after the first President Bush did it...Why is it we tell our kids to be active...be aware of what's going on in the world...We make sure that they register to vote when they are 18 and still in high school...But then the President wants to go on the air and tell them how school is important...To work hard...Do what you have to, to achieve your goals...Take responsibility for yourself...Why and how could that be bad?
I read the speech Monday night...It was released ahead of time, because there were idiots in the media saying that he was going to feed our children socialist messages...Well he didn't...But it would be better then the lies and bullsh!t you're trying to feed us...
And when did we stop calling our Presidents...President 'So and So'? I'm I the only person bothered by the fact that for years now, not just average Joe, but the media, don't respect the office of the President...It's not just President Obama...Who is always referred to as "Obama." It was done to Presidents Bush and Clinton and Bush, and even some with President Reagan...This bothers me, and disappoints me...
Maybe it's just the way I was raised...You showed respect to authority...Even if you disagreed...You respected the flag...You didn't call the people who oppose you, and that you oppose, "assholes"...At least not in public, on camera...There is a growing lack of respect in this country, not just for those we disagree with...But also a lack of respect for ourselves...
I understand hate...It's part of life...But it seems like there is more these days...Hell I'm feeling some in me now...Go Figure! And some of this crap is fueled by the media...They love the controversy...Don't let them fool you...MSNBC and FOX love it when Olberman goes after Beck or O'Reilly...and vice versa...Hate sells...It's number 2, right behind sex!
Maybe I'm wrong...But I never think so...And if I did I wouldn't tell you...Maybe I'm just tired and stressed, and need to go to bed...But I can never sleep when the voices are screaming like they've been today...So I had to let them out...
I've been told countless times in my life, that I worry too much...Not just about big things, but small things too...I never thought is was that bad of a trait...With that, I'm going to bed...
Later, The Beeze.
Two things Beeze,
1) Well said
2) Hope you are feeling better now that this is off your chest
Thanks frank! I do feel a little better.
That was an awesome post Beeze!
A couple weeks ago Jon Stewart went after FOX for most of those things, they've always been right wing and like to point out the soft liberals. I totally agree about the "President" title too, for our President AND other countries.
Just because you don't care for someone's policies doesn't mean they don't deserve their title.
Personally I hate the news, especially FOX. They were screaming that Pres. Obama wanted to spread propaganda, but isn't that propaganda right there?
I hope you're feeling better.
I felt really good about this post...I still do...But I realized today that I seem like a bit of a douche on my high horse...I feel this is in my top 10 posts, and I would say at least 7 of those including this one were all brought on by my rage or hate for something or some one...(Brett Favre)
So Maybe I'm a hate slinging whore too...Now if I could get paid for it! LOL!
quite a rant
Everybody has an opinion, not everyone has passion. It's a gift.
Plus, you shouldn't apologize for either. Not everyone can agree with you all the time - and trust me, all of us get up on our high horses from time to time.
It's just nice to read someone saying the same thing I'm thinking for a change!
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