Since then, U2's stage shows have gotten bigger and bigger...So has Bono's ego...And his mouth...I don't mind the ego...Front men have that...Hell, I think they need it...The big mouth was always kinda cool too...He used his celebrity to try and help people...he made noise about things that many people didn't want to hear about...I always thought that was great...
U2 has always been involved in humanitarian work...They've also never had a problem talking about the environment...Now listen...I'm no hippy dippy, tree hugging, the sky is falling environmentalist...I think there are some things that can be done to improve things...But really, we're all guests here on Earth...When it's done with us...We'll know....
"Global Warming" "Climate Change" "Green This" and "Green That" are more catch phrases then anything else...Scaring people about the environment and "fixing" the environment is becoming big business these days...But whatever...I'm not really here for a political debate...I'm just here to call out some hypocrisy....
U2 wants to talk about humanitarian work, and being more "Green"....Well then what the f**k is with this....

That's U2's Stage setup for this tour...Cost...$40 million...Little excessive, don't you think boys?
$40 million...You could do some good sh!t with $40 million...I know, lights and screens and all kinds of goofy sh!t is cool...You know what else is cool...Four guys, on a stage playing their songs without a bunch of smoke and mirrors....

Oh, and how do they get this massive stage setup around...with 100 tractor trailers...That's 100 big ass trucks burning diesel fuel...I think you could have trimmed the show down to maybe 50 truck loads fellas....

Oh, and in case you were wondering...Tickets start at $49 (nose bleeds) and go up to $250 (some what close to the mosterous stage) I've seen some packages for the seats right up in front for over $500...I've also read and heard that they aren't playing a number of the classic songs, because Bono is having trouble hitting the notes...
And since I'm being a d!ck to one of my favorite bands of all time...The last couple albums have blown...I won't be spending my wife's hard earned money on any U2 shows for quite some time!
BTW, Joshua Tree Tour tickets...$18...Ahhh, the good old days!
Later, The Beeze.
Two things -
#1 - I respect artists who use their fame to bring issues to light. Being a celebrity has it's benefits for sure - but it doesn't make you god.
I grew up loving U2 and Running to Stand Still is one of my favorite songs ever, but they lost me a very long time ago - like Zoo Tour...
#2 - I went to Sally's a few weeks back and they had the "Earth Friendly" bags for sale, but the sign read "Trendy Canvas Bags - $1.99"
That sums up how I feel about this "green" crap the advertising people are pushing on us.
Great post!
"Trendy Canvas Bags"
that stinks of douche baggery!
As U2 demonstrates, "Practicing what you preach" is another lost art. Also a reason why many don't buy in.
Great post Beeze ... especially in light of digging on one of your favs.
It really is, isn't frank...Thanks
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