I can't believe it myself...Even worse, was my total and complete anger and rage about having to go...I was coaxed by one of my bosses to go...The owners of The Fish House had a bunch of tickets...Including some for a suite next to the Indians dugout...Now this sounds cool, but I of course, being an angry, cynical, asshole was pissed...Why not throw me some tickets when the Red Sox were in town early in the season...Before the Indians were a total joke...
No us lowly employees got to see Kansas City in September...The Royals vs the Columbus Clippers...I mean Indians...Awesome!
But I dragged my sorry, ungrateful, ass there...Threw down a couple beers before the game...Then we headed into the Jake...(yeah I still call it that...Tough sh!t) Then we got to the suite...Holy sh!t...We were right behind the on deck circle...At ground level...You really get to see the speed of the game from there...Even better...FREE BEER...FREE FOOD...Hells yeah!
The game was a 1-1 thriller...Then the royals went up 2-1 in the 12th...Game sucked...But I didn't expect it to be great...But I had a great time with some cool people, and drank for free...Can't beat that...Oh yeah, and there was fireworks too...

Then Saturday came...Notre Dame vs Michigan...In case you missed my post game write-up... http://irishbuzz.blogspot.com/2009/09/fighting-irish-fall-to-michigan-38-34.html
I hate losing to Michigan...The Irish defense looked like crap...Getting burnt by Freshman QB Tate Forcier...Kid played a hell of a game...Then there was big, fat, Charlie Weis, and his stupid as play calling...And of course the penalties didn't help...Or Golden Tate dropping two touchdown passes...I was sick all night...

Then I saw another freshman QB, Matt Barkley from USC, lead his team back to beat Ohio State...I honestly have never been a Luckeyes fan...But the only team I hate more Michigan is USC...Really it's kind of a tie...
Then Sunday rolled around...I took the kids to sign up for more ice skating and swimming lessons...Then we went to the grocery store...Then I cut the grass...Then it was time for the Browns to take on that douche bag Brett Favre and the Minnesota Viking...Well they really had to worry about Adrian Peterson more then anyone else...The defense played hard, but was worn out...If it wasn't for a Josh Cribbs return for a touchdown, the game would have been even uglier...He's looking like the teams MVP once again...

Being a sports fan in Ohio can be a real b!tch...Hell, look at the Cincinnati Bengals...Their defense played a heck of a game today...Then they lose the game a fluke tipped pass, caught by Brandon Stokley...Who runs it all the way down, including taking the scenic route, to the end zone for a 87 yard touchdown, with only 11 seconds left...It's just brutal here...
Even my local high school team took a beating this week...The Brooklyn Hurricanes 0...Cleveland Central Catholic 32...Bad, bad, sports weekend...
Now I know many of you look forward to stories about my son...Well this weekend, he was mostly just a pain in the ass...That and totally enthralled by his boners...He gets the biggest kick out of it...And loves showing it off...What is it that they say about apples falling from trees...
Have a good week...
Late, The Beeze.
Okay, so I'm adding on here at the end now...I just read about the stupid VMA award show, and saw what Kanye West did to Taylor Swift...If you didn't hear about it here ya go... http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/hiphopmediatraining/171413/kanye-west-has-truly-lost-it-this-time/?page=1#comments
What a low-life piece of sh!t...People always try to throw that Karma BS at me when I get a little harsh...Well I don't believe in Karma...I think it's a way people try to explain sh!t away...I believe in me...And now I believe the world would be a much better place if Kanye West wasn't in it...F**k that douche bag...I hope he chokes on a c*ck!
Now I'm done.
1 comment:
the blocking looks like it has improved slightly for your Browns so far
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