Since I've started this blog, I think I've made it clear, that I'm not a Brett Favre fan...To be completely honest...I can't f**king stand him...He was my first inductee to the Skull F**k Hall of Fame...
Well now, I hate him a little more...After he threw a crack-back block this week, injuring Eugene Wilson...Crack-backs are a fine-able offense, with possible suspension...But considering how much the league and the media love to swing on Brett's nuts...I'm sure he'll just get a talking to...F**k that! The guy is a punk!
Just trying to use my hate of Favre constructively...
Later, The Beeze.
Even more ridiculous is the people praising for going out there to throw the block. That was a punk ass move, by a punk ass, egomaniacal, schismatic, biotch. I pray to the good lord that the Vikings run that play again in the regular season and he gets his clock cleaned before he can throw another pussy block like that.
I never been a huge fan of the Viking purple, but Favre makes it look even worse.
If Barney took a dump it would most likely look like Favre in his Vikings uniform.
ahh....nothing like a good Favre-hate blog.
I was planning on talking about his crack-back block on Thursday.
And yes, he does look like a bigger douche in purple.
If Barney took a dump it would most likely look like Favre in his Vikings uniform.
LMFAO!!! That is classic!
Ahhh, I'm so happy to see that I'm not alone!
-A...Asshat sums it up!
I never thought about Barney taking a dump...But that sounds about right Evan!
BW, I'm sure you'll have plenty to say on Thursday about this dolt!
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