Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Do I Drink So Much Coffee

This question has been asked of me before...And as I sit here at my computer with a nice, warm, fresh, cup of coffee, I have to wonder why at 7:00PM, am I drinking more coffee...Well let me try to break down a normal day for the Beeze...Maybe this will explain my need/love of coffee....

6:30 AM....Get the f**k up...My personal little alarm clock goes off, and he is on his way to see what he can f**k up today...

Start coffee...Get the kids Breakfast...(coffee)...Get the kids ready for school...(coffee)...

8:00 AM....Drop daughter at school (1st grade)

8:45 AM....Drop son at pre-school

9:00 AM...Start work at the Fish House....Large cup of coffee is the first priority...

(Coffee)...11:30 AM....Fish House opens for lunch service...Sling fish for people who make a lot more money then me...or most of us...

2:00-2:30 PM....Skate out of the Fish House to get the kids home from school...If it ends up being 2:30, I get a firm scolding from my daughter about being late...She will make a point to call my parents, and depending on how late I was she even may want to call my sister-in-law in Boston to let her know too....

Home around 3:00 PM....Get the kids a snack, and start a pot of coffee....Check e-mail....Check the multiple blogs I have...Read a couple other blogs....(Coffee)

4:00 PM....Do homework with kids....And why the f**k does my 4 year old get homework in pre-school? What the f**k is that about? (Coffee)

5:00 PM...Start dinner...(coffee)Do dishes from the morning, and night before...(coffee)....Feed the monsters...Feed the wife whenever she gets home from another 12 hour day of making the big bucks...

7:30 PM...Bath time...(coffee)

8:00-8:30 PM....Read with the kids...(coffee)...Get them to bed....

9:00 PM...Ask for sex...If no...9:30 PM beg for sex....Watch TV....

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM...Put Mrs. Beeze to bed...Then Mr. Beeze gets online...Checks out blogs...Writes....Checks out Facebook...Search for new and exciting porn....Watch a movie or show I Tivoed...

Sometime after 1:00 AM, normally closer to 2:30 AM go to bed...


Later, The Beeze


Jane said...

She has homework and she's in 1st grade?
*tries to blink*
Well... if I think about it.. it does makes sense. In 5th grade YOU'll have to participate in the homeworking because she'll have 2 hours of work after school...
(it's like an annoying version of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader", right at home - you'll love it)

Yeah... I used to volunteer at a cute elementary school.
The torture...

Unknown said...

coffee is a beautiful thing. When I was pregnant we'd go through one of those economy size containers every 3 or so and now that I'm not - 2 weeks. Yup. I can drink a pot and take a nap... but its SO delicious... yummy, yummy coffee....

bdubsmitty said...

Damn dude I thought I drank a lot of coffee -- I used to drink about 3 pots of coffee per day but I have slacked down to one -- I have become too lazy to keep making it LOL.

Don't you just love those man-made alarm clocks? I have two of them.

btw -- my word verification is gardoto, whatever in the hell that is I don't know -- it sounds like some kind of STD you would get from a hooker in Spain.

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

tcp, LMFAO!!!

I haven't set an alarm clock since my daughter was born...That's messed up.

a, yes the coffee is so yummy...what a great legalized drug.

Jane, I'm okay with my daughter's homework...I'm sure I won't be come 5th grade...But my son in pre-school getting 3 homework sheets a week is messed up to me...

Anonymous said...

Dang ... and I thought it was all about firing the stream so the toilet water changes from blue to green.

Anonymous said...

"If it ends up being 2:30, I get a firm scolding from my daughter about being late...She will make a point to call my parents, and depending on how late I was she even may want to call my sister-in-law in Boston to let her know too...."

This part made me laugh out loud.

Coffee is the best! I love it too. My schedule is different (but equally busy) and sleep patterns are similar to yours. Sometimes I find its just the hot liquid that I need though so I've switched to herbal (non-caffeinated) tea and its helped to curb the craving late at night and give me a better sleep :)