Well gang...The Beeeze Family leaves tomorrow evening, after I get done at the Fish House...Getting away to see family and friends in Boston, and Cape Cod...The Beeze will be off the grid for a week...No twitter...No facebook...No Beezewax...No You Gab Sports...Just drinking, spending quality time with the family, and enjoying a great city....
I can't wait to get there...Just gotta get through that 10 hour drive...Take it easy..."I'm shipping up to Boston!"
Later, The Beeze.
Have a safe trip Beeze.
Have fun!
Have a great break and enjoy the family. Hopefully, the inner anger won't have to been shwon, due to the bickering sister-in laws.
Eat, drink and be merry. We'll all look forward to your return. I'm sure there will be some great stories to share.
Thanks gang!
hope you have so much fun, you won't moan on Monday...unless you're hung over lol
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