Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday Moaning

Did you read that fine print? There sure are a lot of pussies out there these days...It doesn't seem to matter who you are, you better watch what you say, because some one is always looking to be offended...This past week, more dolts got in trouble for stupid shit they said, and while I may not agree with what they said, FUCK, I wish people would get a thicker skin...

ESPN pushed Colin Cowherd out the door a little sooner after he basically called all Dominicans stupid, while trying to say managing baseball isn't that tough...The thing is, even people paid to speak, will make a mistake sometimes...And he did try to explain his point...And honestly, if it was on a comedy show, they way he said it, people would have laughed...Yes, of course people would have been offended...

But shit, show me a Dominican MLB player who is a fucking Rhodes Scholar...You can't can you...Nope, because these guys get snatched up when they're in high school with the hope of playing in the majors, and getting out of poverty...We've seen guys lie about their age, just so they won't be considered to old for some one to take a chance on them...

Cowherd fucked up, but if you were looking for him for Baseball knowledge, you have bigger problems...The guy is fucking clueless!

Then WWE make-believe wrestling star, Hulk Hogan was caught on a sex tape saying some racist shit about his daughter fucking black guys...Dip-shit flat-out admitted to being a racist...Hey Hulk, I'm proud of you...It was the first real thing you've done!  So Hogan is racist...Why is anyone shocked that a white guy, as old as my dad is racist...Honestly, I'd be more shocked if a old fucking white guy his age didn't say racist shit about his daughter fucking black guys...

My dad served his country, raised his kids, was a union man...He's one of the smartest people I know...He's a liberal guy, who turned me onto Motown and Jazz...But every time I started dating a different girl, he'd ask me, (half joking) "Is she white?" And while I knew it was wrong, I got it...Christ, my old man took heat because my Mom isn't Irish...I just can't get upset with old white guys saying some dumb shit because it was the way they were raised...

So because of the outrage over what Hogan said, on a fucking sex tape, the WWE responded swiftly, and erased him from everything WWE...Literally, they have been removing all traces of him...And that outrage, well, the only place I really heard any of it coming from was the white-guilt ridden media...

Let me ask a question....What the hell happened to "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me!"

Oh, I see...Ladies forgot to pack their big girl panties, and men are growing vaginas....

I'm sick of this shit! Really people...You're getting upset by stupid shit being said by Hulk Hogan and Colin Cowherd...Not to mention the new and exciting idiot shit Donald Trump is saying every day in this godforsaken soundbite world we are in...What do Donald trump, Colin Cowherd, and Hulk Hogan have in common?  They're all assholes! Why do you care about what they say!?!

-Up at the University of North Dakota, the president there is taking heat from the public...You see after some bullshit, trumped up outrage from the PC police, the NCAA forced North Dakota to drop their Fighting Sioux nickname...

That was a sweet fucking jersey!

The NCAA then forced a 3 year period of no nickname on the school...So the a list of possible nicknames was created, and has been whittled down, with these shitty nicknames on the short list..."Fighting Hawks"..."Nodaks"..."North Stars..."Roughriders"..."Sundogs"...One of the things taken off was the idea of staying, as-is...No Nickname...Just continue on as North Dakota...

To me, that's the best way to go...Those fuckers rip your schools nickname away, fuck'em...Take that stand, 'we're the Fighting Sioux, or we're nothing!'

But University douchebag officials want a nickname...They talk about having cheers/chants/songs with a new nickname...Oh, and don't forget selling all new gear to loyal fans, students, and alumni...Shit heads!  Being just flat-out North Dakota, has more class and shows a level of respect to a proud past, that cant be replaced with a new shitty nickname and logo...

-In closing, the PC shit has to stop...Everyone has to knuckle-up and stop being offended by everything that may make them uncomfortable...Stop going after people's jobs because they made a mistake...Not everyone thinks like you, that's what makes this country great, and not a bunch of robots...Shit's driving me crazy...Fuck the diet, I want a cupcake!

Have a week!

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