This week we're gonna start with Joe Montana...A couple weeks ago he made some comments, and I feel that I should address them...As many of you may know...I'm a Notre Dame guy...You may also know, most Notre Dame people love Joe Montana...Me...Not so much...I say, F**k Joe Montana! I haven't liked him since I was a kid...Let me explain...My mom grew up in a little Pennsyltucky town near Joe...Many years later, it was high school reunion time...The school contacted Joe to see if he would be attending his class reunion...Not asking him to do anything...Just asking if he would be coming...His response..."How much are you going to pay me?" F**K YOU JOE!!!

So on to Joe's more recent comments... "You can't ask any football coach here to be constrained like that on the academic side and to have a consistent team," Montana said. "Unless you try to relax some of that for the athletic programs here, it's hard to consistently compete with the programs that have different standards."
Again I say F**K YOU JOE!!! Why? Because he's f**king wrong...Notre Dame's Women's Soccer team is one of the NCAA powerhouses...The Men's Soccer team is always strong...Jeff Jackson has turned the Fighting Irish Hockey team into a top program...The Lacrosse team, strong...And on and on...Not just at Notre Dame...At plenty of Universities that hold there STUDENT ATHLETES to the same standards as their other STUDENTS...Don't blame the University, and it's education standards for poor performances on the football field...Blame the coaches...and even the players for not executing...
If Joe Montana would have lowered his standards, and expectations...He never would have made into the NFL, and become one of the greats...Hell, he never would have made it on the field at Notre Dame...
I don't want to sound like a d!ck, but f**k it...I think this has more to do with his son not being able to cut it at Notre Dame then anything else...That's right Nate Montana transferred to Pasadena City College...Sorry Joe, But the school shouldn't lower it's standards just cause some whiny parents say so...
This seems to be a problem these days...My kids are 7 and 4...I've had a number of people tell me I expect too much from them...F**k that...You expect too little...The goal of every parent should be to help give their kids a better life then their own...Well unless I start getting paid to write this drivel, or I win the Mega Millions...I'm not gonna be able to afford to send both my kids to Notre Dame, or Boston University, or where-ever, on my Fish House salary...So I have high expectations, and standards for my kids...You go ahead and let you kid be a lump of sh!t...Mine will successful in life...Maybe one day the little Beeze will be the first President to give the State of the Union, and close by pulling out his junk, and saying...'If you don't like it...Suck on this!'
So for the record...Joe Montana= Wrong/Douche....The Beeze= Right/Twisted...
Since I brought up my son...I shared this on facebook, but it needs to be said here too...Wednesday Night, we were all watching Wipeout...He loves that damn show...He was sitting in the chair with my wife...All the sudden he stands up...Pulls his pants down, and says..."Have you seen this guy before Mama!?" WTF! It was hilarious...F**ked up...But hilarious...I swear to God he didn't get that one from me...He's also still on his "boobies" craze...I can't wait until the calls from school start...
Next up...Word is, Patriots Linebacker, Tedy Bruschi is going to announce his retirement Monday...
Big talk in Cleveland...Who the hell is going to be the Browns starting Quarterback? I'll tell you who it should be...Brady Quinn...And this ain't a Notre Dame thing...He's just better...People love to fall for a guy like Derek Anderson who can throw the deep ball...Coaches included...Problem is, he throws everything like he's throwing a deep ball...The guy struggles with the short stuff...He has no touch, and doesn't see the field as well as Quinn...Plus when an organization spends what the Browns did, to get back up in the first round, to get Quinn...You gotta play him...I know Mangina didn't draft him...So the owner has to say, play this guy, or move him and get something back...It was a big investment...Giving Anderson a contract extension when they were going after Quinn was a bad investment...BTW, the Browns won their preseason game Saturday against the Titans, 23-17...I'm seeing some improvement...
Since we're on Football...It may be August still, but it's Fall in Ohio...High School Football Season started Friday...Yes folks, Ohio can be like mini-Texas when it comes to Football...Don't believe...Check out the documentary called "Go Tigers."
I live in a small community...We're not crazy like the people in Massillon (in Go Tigers) but we support our team...The high School is around the block from us, and the Football Stadium is at the end of our street...Friday at 7:00PM the band marches down to the stadium...The kids dig that...Students and parents, and neighbors follow...It's a great atmosphere...Like I said...We're a small community...One of my favorite things to do every year is count how many band members are also cheerleaders and football players...Nothing like a kid ripping off his shoulder pads and helmet at halftime, and breaking out his trumpet...
This week The Brooklyn (OH) Hurricanes lost to rival Rhodes High School 24-22...
Lastly this week...I wanted to share this link, and say hell yeah to Angelo Cammarata...Best of luck to him...
That's it for now...
Later, The Beeze.
Cheers to Little Beeze for the Monday morning laugh I count on!
Great comment about others expecting too little! Simply awesome!
Wipeout cracks me up. I usually catch the first 15 minutes, laugh and wonder "why" ... then move on.
For those out of state, Beeze is right about Ohio HS football - which is big throughout the state. Beeze, don't know if you saw this or not, but power Colerain got shutout in their opener.
Thanks Frank!
I saw that Colerain loss...St. X is tough...How tough is Elder this year...My Alma Mater plays both S. X and Elder again this year.
St X will be tough again. Elder thumped a traditionally good team from Illinois in their opener. Some feel Moeller will return to the hunt. They were down by 21 and bounced back to win!
Well you either went to St Ignatius or St Ed's ... given those 2 plus the couple down here, odds are good the state champ comes from those 4 or 5 teams. All of them are a cut above most teams.
Right on 3rd!
Frank, I went to Hockey and wrestling power, St. Edward...The Eagles are looking like they may have a down year this season...Ignatius is always tough.
Beeze = Right/Twisted - HA! BRILLIANT!
I totally agree on the kid thing, I've had people comment on how I already explain things to my 10 month old and I always tell them the same, he's a kid - not stupid.
If you let them think they can slack off, they will and then what?
Amazing post - all of it!
Thanks -A! I'm so sick of people willing to not give a sh!t, when it comes to their kids.
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