For those of you who don't know, The Patriots Mollywopped the Titans Sunday, 59-0...Hell it was 45-0 at halftime...619 total yards of offense for the Pats...Brady threw for 380 yards and 6 touchdowns...I honestly don't even know why the Titans came back out on the field...My God the Browns looked better today against the Steelers...Derek Anderson was an amazing 9 for 24 this week...Baby steps fellas!
If I'm Jeff Fisher, it may be time to look at replacing some people...And I'm not just talking about players...How far this team has slipped from where they were last year, just amazes me...If you make the Browns and Rams look good...You're in trouble!
Moving on to just a little hockey...My beloved New York Rangers lost their season opener to the Pittsburgh Penguins...I of course heard about that from all my friends in the "Steel City." But since then, the Rangers have won 7 straight games...The Blue shirts are looking solid in both ends...Some may be surprised by that considering they have two rookies playing key roles on defense...Now I'd like to introduce you to this years Calder Trophy winner....Michael Del Zotto...
Now most of my weekend was taken up by the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame...If you want to check out this past weekends Irish Hockey happenings...Or get my half in the bag write-up of the big game against USC...Feel free to pop over to the buzz...http://irishbuzz.blogspot.com/
On Saturday's game...Well, this guy WeeManExtras, does a great job summing up each weeks game...
That's how I spent my Saturday...Stressing over another Notre Dame game...Not stressing out over the wonderful American Greetings/Hallmark Holiday, that is celebrated here in Ohio and a number of other places in the Great Lakes region...That's right...Sweetest Day! What? You don't celebrate that where you live? GOOD FOR YOU! It's a bunch of crap...It was started with good intentions, but was bastardized...Go figure! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweetest_Day
Oh wait, I did discover something delicious Saturday...Who doesn't like a BLT? Well if you don't, you're missing out...Anyway, BLT Dip...Holy un-f**king-healthy! Mayo, sour cream, Bacon, tomatoes, all mixed together...put it on crackers or toasted french bread...WOW! Kinda messed up, because there's no L in it...But I spruced it up...I added some scallions and a couple dashes of hot sauce...Very Good! And if that isn't unhealthy enough...Get some pepperoni...Thicker slice then what you get on pizza...Bread it...Deep fry it...Dip it in ranch...I can hear myself getting fatter right now!
I want to say thanks to everyone who sent their best, when they read that my daughter had the not so mighty H1N1...She's doing great...And she'll be back in school on Monday...
Speaking of school...Thursday we had parent teacher conferences...First up...The boy...Oh sh!t...I have to say, I was shocked...At school he is a perfect student...Always listens...Helps others...Is ahead of the curve with his numbers and letters...He's well behaved, and has good manners...WTF! They get the good stuff, and I get the non-stop pain in the ass, little ball of hate!
Then it was time for my daughters conference...We knew it would be good...She's smart like her mom, and basically a good kid all the way around...It was clear that her teacher doesn't really give a sh!t about getting to know her 2nd grade students...If the kids names weren't on the folder she wouldn't know them...The conference was all about testing and test results...Now clearly our daughter is learning, she's doing well in everything, but I always like it when teachers make things interesting...
Then she showed us a test that they do each month...It has to do with how many words the kids can read in a minute...The goal for the end of the school year is 90...(goal=state standards)...When our daughter took it in September, she was at 92 words...92 words bitch! What does this hatchet wound say? Not 'that's great'...Not 'you should be really proud'...Which we are...No sort of compliment...She just says, "We don't want that to slip. We want to keep building on that." No sh!t you dolt! Maybe I'm taking this to heart to much...Or misreading it...But this woman pissed me off...And just by looking at her, you can tell...sex with your pillow would be more exciting then throwing her a hump!
Well that's all for me right now...I'm hooked on this game that's on facebook, called Cafe World...
Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.
Congrats about the little one's. It really sucks when you have a bad teacher. No reason she shouldn't know the kids names. Sometimes I wonder why they got into the profession if they don't like it. Glad to hear that everyone is feeling good/better.
Thanks...Some teachers are just dolts!
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