I'm gonna start with The Baseball Hall of Fame...Congratulations to Jim Rice (it's taken too long for him to get his just due) and to Rickey Henderson...Rickey always seemed like an asshole, maybe that's why I liked him, and he was a no-brainer to get in...
That said...F**k the Hall of Fame! I said it...I don't care if you don't like it...I'll continue to say that until Bert Blyleven and Ron Santo get in...And ya know what...Pete Rose is a douche...But he should be in there too...

Yeah, I've always been a bit of a Cubs fan, but that doesn't matter...During his career, Santo was compared to Brooks Robinson, who is in the Hall of Fame, and rightfully so...Compare the numbers...http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/r/robinbr01.shtml
That's what the baseball purists love so much, and always bring up when it comes to the Hall...
And since I'm ranting about baseball...Things haven't changed here in Cleveland...The Indians still suck...Now there are rumbling that the Tribe may trade Ryan Garko...Garko has always seemed to not fit in with dummy manager Eric Edge's brilliant plan...Even though he lead the team in RBI that past two seasons...Here's GM mark Shapiro's thought process...'He's good. Trade him!' Sorry Pirates fans...Shapiro trained your dolt of a GM Neil Huntington...
Red Sox fans are happy...Julio Lugo is gone...What a hack he is...
Everyone wants Roy Halladay...But who's gonna pay the hefty price? There's a lot of talk about him going to Philly...I'm going to say he's gonna end up with the Angels...Hey if I'm gonna make predictions, why the hell should i make them predictable?
While I was away, footage of sultry ESPN vixen Erin Andrews, NAKED, were posted on the Internet...I'm pissed I missed that...I tried a link I got from Tosh.0, which is f**king hilarious...But a virus tried to f**k with me...My shit caught it...Beat it down...There's no doubt in m y mind that it was some horny dude she works with, who just wanted to know if she looks as good naked as she does with clothes on...

Yeah, I'd do her!
What else...Big Ben Roethlisberger is being accused of rape...I guess he got tired of stickin' it to the Browns...But seriously, this story seems fishy...No, I'm not talking about Ben's finger...No criminal complaint filed...No police investigation...She comes out a year later with this story...I hate to sound cold...But it sounds like she may be lying b!tch...
That said...I want you to checkout this link, because anytime somebody calls out "The World Wide Leader in Sports" for their bull$h!t...I love it!
Moving along...Wasn't there some bike race going on lately...What happened there...Does anyone care about any part of it, other then where Lance Armstrong finished...He finished 3rd, which is pretty damn amazing since he was retired for 4 years...
On a very sad note...Boxer Vernon Forrest was murdered Saturday night, in what appears to be an attempted robbery...To manyForrest was simply known for be a talented fighter...But what was more important was the charity work he did...He helped to create and establish Destiny's Child, Inc. which is a number of group homes that provide housing and assistance to mentally challenged adults...
Forrest was 38 years old.
That's it for now...I'll be posting more on the Boston trip this week, and some other nonsense...
Later, The Beeze.
The HOF is simply screwed up. Simply comparing stats of those in and out proves the point.
We could combine the Reds and Indians! ... well, we would have a better team, but not sure it would be a contender. Then again, that's better a better result than what a Bengal-Browns union would produce.
Well done for the week!
Thanks Frank! The Baseball Hall, like most Halls of Fame has some issues...
The Reds, and Tribe combined could make a decent team...Haha!
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