What about Baseball? I'll be honest...I've kinda stopped paying attention...The "All-Star" break is here, and I'm just happy that the Indians season is half way over...I blame them...They have broken my spirit...I would watch 90% of their games, or at least listen to them on the radio...This year, that's just not happening...Until Mr. Paul Dolan steps up and takes control of his team, and fires his GM and Manager...I'm done...Seriously! How can you call yourself a business man, and watch your product being run into the ground...(I guess I found something to moan about)
I also think all the steroid blah blah blah beat me down...I'm just sick of all the baggage that seems to come along with Major League Baseball these days...Including the slack ass players who don't take infield and outfield practice anymore...I always loved the skill and beauty that came with playing great defense...Now there's a bunch of hacks out there...And while I'm bashing millionaires...Base running has become a joke too...There are only a handful of players who are great base runners...It may be along time before we see another true "5 tool player."
Time for a little self promotion...If you want to read me trashing a place called The Melting Pot...Click here the following link... http://thebeezestalesfromthefishhouse.blogspot.com/2009/07/beeze-reviews-melting-pot.html
Now some non-sports moaning...I'm going on vacation as of Wednesday night...We're heading to Boston to see family and friends...And already...Before we have even hit the road...Mrs. Beeze's sisters have me stressed out...Apparently there has been some tension between her sisters and things blew up this weekend...Now,my hyper-sensitive wife is upset because all she wanted was a nice, restful, fun, family vacation, with her sisters and all the cousins together...And I'm suppose to bite my tongue if the sh!t hits the fan...Ha! I think we all know the Beeze can snap at anytime...I can see it happening...Sister 1 & 2 are playing nice...Then sister 2 is gonna say something sh!tty about sister 1...Then hyper-sensitive Mrs. Beeze will get upset...So sister 2 says something else shitty to her...Then I go f**king bat shit all over her...Then Mrs. Beeze is pissed at me too...Can't f**king wait!
Okay, just had to get that off my chest...Moving along...Saturday I found out Our Lady Peace will be playing The House of Blues here in Cleveland, Aug.20th...When I got home...Mrs. Beeze showed me again, why she is the sh!t, and why I have to put up with the hyper sensitive stuff...She ordered 2 tickets for us...And later that night she gave me some good lovin' after we watched an okay movie...Eagle Eye...Lots of times you could call bullsh!t, but wtf...It's a movie...
Now if you know the Beeze...You know I love music...And some of my favorites singers ever are female singers...Seriously, nothing better then a great female voice...Well, last week I tweeted something about Richard Cheese...1) Dude is funny as hell, if you don't know him, google that sh!t...2) Yes I'm on twitter...I'm a blogging whore, and it's another way to pimp myself out...Maybe one day I'll get paid to write this drivel...Anywho...After that tweet a lovely young woman who just happened to be opening for Richard Cheese started following me on twitter...And after going to her website and hearing her amazing soulful voice, I started following her...
Checkout Natalie Gelman...
And here is her website>>> http://www.nataliegelman.com/?mpf=frame&
The last thing I want to touch on is this...A friend of mine mentioned this last week, and I feel it needs to be brought up again...Incase you didn't know...Oscar Mayer died last week...Dude showed the world how wonderful and tasty scraps could be...Hot dogs, cold cuts and bacon...I'm sorry, but I would think he deserves more magazine covers, and TV time then Jacko...

And if you live in California...Just how pissed are you that tax payer money was used for that memorial service...Your state is already broke...WTF!?!
That's it for now...Have a great week...
Later, The Beeze.
a nice, restful, fun, family vacation
Do those actually exist? I've never seen one.
Great rant as always Beeze - enjoy your vacation.
Thumbs up to Natalie! ... also best of luck on vacation.
Thanks guys...I can't wait for vaca!
another solid moan
enjoy the trip and be safe
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