Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jonah Hill = Full of Shit

This week, actor Jonah Hill was being annoyed by a typical asshole paparazzo...Eventually he had enough and told the douchebag, "Suck my dick faggot."  

Boom...I was done with it... Nice job Hill...Although you told a dude to suck YOUR dick, so would you also be a faggot!?!

Who cares! Was to stand your ground...Oh, wait...This is America...You can stand your ground with a gun, but not with words...Some where along the way, words started hurting more then bullets...Yep, America, Land of the Free and home of the overly sensitive...

Hill, knowing the climate of this once proud nation, that is now under the impression that no one should ever be offended, and everyone is hyper sensitive about words, and their immense power to injure, started doing the power apology circuit...Including this one on The Tonight Show...

I'm sorry...I know many people are proud of him, but I'm calling bullshit!  He is doing this for one reason and one reason only...His career...He wants to keep making movies, and money...Yeah, he may actually support gay rights...I do...But he says faggot...He does...Just like I do, and many people do...With that grade school mentality, where you say shit is gay, or call a buddy a fag, just to bust balls...That's reality people, but no one wants to say it...

And another reason I'm calling bullshit...Have you seen Hill's movies...He calls people faggot in them...He relentlessly used multiple slurs to call McLovin a fag in "Superbad"..."Money Ball" is the only Hill movie I've seen where gay slurs weren't used...Any movie his buddy Seth Rogen puts him in has homophobic slurs in them...Oh, wait...Hill was in "Django Unchained"...He didn't say anything like that in Django...He just played a Klan member, in a movie where the word nigger was used at least 200 times...

So what Jonah, it's okay to say this stuff and portray pieces of shit in the movies, but it's not okay in real life when some prick is annoying you? 

Listen, when you're pissed enough, you try to say something mean...You want to upset the asshole...That's reality...I would have respected Hill more if he didn't do the apology tour...If he would have ignored it...The women of San Antonio were pissed Charles Barkley said they were ugly...When asked if he wanted apologize, Barkley said "no" and repeated how ugly they are...Not nice?  Maybe...Funny?  Yes...Honest? Yes...

Pay attention closely people...I've been...For the last two months there hasn't been a week without some one in the media, or sports, or TV/movies who hasn't apologized for something because some one may be offended by it...Honestly, the longest stretch has been about two days...

What happened America?  When did we get so fucking soft?

Fat guy actor called douchebag paparazzo a faggot...#SoFuckingWhat!

The Beeze.

1 comment:

Buster McNamara said...

apology tour is the worst part of this