Have you seen this bullshit?
Now I'm a pretty liberal guy, but this white guilt shit has got to stop...Anyone involved in this ad should be ashamed of themselves...Being white is a privilege? Fuck you! It's unfair that I'm white and some one else isn't? Fuck you, that's called life! I'm white, and I've been pulled over plenty of times...Stupid horse shit! I don't care if you are White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, fucking Martian, I don't care, life is what you make of it...No one should feel bad because of what color they were born, and who their parents are...Unfair shit happens to everyone...Don't believe me? Well pay attention...
A number of years ago...Before I even knew my wife, I was in shape, instead of the fat mess OI am now...I had taken the Cleveland Fire Fighters exam...Based on my scores I should have gotten in...But the mayor, a black guy named Mike White, decided to plug "minorities" in every third spot...Not paying attention to scores...A lot of qualified people got screwed over because of this mess...Me included...Ask them if they feel "Privileged"...Even worse is that whites are actually the "minority" in Cleveland, yet they aren't counted that way...
And when I was going to college, I was also working a full-time, and a part-time job to pay for it...The United Negro College Fund wasn't offering any money to my white "privileged" ass...And if there was a United Caucasian College Fund, Al Sharpton would be on the roof tops screaming racism...
This country has gone out of it's way to try and make right by it's shameful history of slavery...It has gone to great strides to help minorities...Giving advantages that were never given so many other ethnicities...The Irish, Italians, Polish, Germans, Croatians, Russians, Asians, Latinos, it didn't matter, they all faced struggles and racism when they first came to America, and were given nothing...They worked for it...
The first year of my oldest daughter's life, I supported my family on $26,000 dollars that year...Oh how our White "privileged" asses were living it up! Fuck you...I kept plugging away, and the next year I made $40,000...
I have a very close friend from Boston...He of Puerto Rican descent...In Boston...They can get pretty damn racist there...He didn't let that hold him back...He didn't get any hand-outs...He worked hard...Put himself through school, busted his ass climbing the corporate ladder...He's an accountant, living a pretty damn good life...He didn't cry foul...He didn't scream unfair...He did what he had to do, to get where he wanted...
There has become this culture where people don't think life should be hard at all...Where people don't think they should have to work hard, but they still think they should be living the life, with all the bells and whistles...Part of it is this fucking, everyone wins, everyone gets a trophy crap these days...It's pussified kids, and they are growing up to be useless, drains on society...
There is another reason I see for this...It's going to piss people off, but tough shit...There are shit loads of men fathering children, but not being fathers...And while it's not just a Black problem, it seems to be much more prevalent in the Black Community, then the White and Hispanic communities...There are far too many single parent families...If the mother is working hard to support her kids, then the kids have little time actually being parented...If the mother is staying home trying to raise kids, then she's getting handouts, welfare, foodstamps, and what-not...What are the kids learning? Society/the Government/taxpayers will give you what you need...So why bother working?
I swear to God, this is a true story...It happened today at work...A some what new kid, black, busser, was eating soup...Everyone is cool with you having a cup, but this kid was on about his 6th cup of a high cost soup...He's been doing this for a few days...So I said something to him about it...I wasn't being harsh, but I was lettingh him know, that has an impact on our costs, and if costs are up, we aren't getting raises...I swear to God, this was his response..."But I'm Black." I along with a couple other co-workers, was stunned...That right there is a fucked up mentality...I had to fire back..."So what, being Black entitles you to fucking steal from the company?" This fucking dope, just shrugged his shulders and walked away...
Isn't the President a half Black guy, who went to Harvard? What, was it only the White half that got him to this point? Go screw!
The video ends with a White girl saying, "We're privileged and that's unfair."
Bitch, we're all (White, Black, Hispanic, Indian, fucking Martian) privileged to be alive...Color doesn't have shit to do with it...It's unfair that the rest of us have to share oxygen with dolts like you!
Later, The Beeze.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday Moaning

I'm guessing that this isn't the type of "Horse Play" Jerry Sandusky was into...Well, I'm sure he'll be able to find some new friends to play with in the showers now...Yes, thankfully there is still some Justice in this country, as Friday night word came down, JERRY_SANDUSKY_IS_GUILTY...I think I said all I have to for now about that bastard, and hopefully more heads will roll...Wouldn't it be great to see Justice rear it's head a few more times!?!
-Now, If you read my first post on Friday, you saw that Cleveland didn't burn after LeBron and company won the NBA Title...But some people still had trouble with it, like this local Weather guy, Mark Johnson...
Poor bastard...Let's just stop caring so much...It's Basketball, and Basketball sucks!
-As for Baseball, it doesn't suck...But there is some news in Baseball that I think sucks...After 9 years and 2 World Series wins, the Boston Red Sox traded Kevin Youkilis to the Chicago White Sox...Now, some Red Sox fans may be happy their team is making a commitment to the kid Middlebrooks...Some may be upset, because Youk was such a big deal to that team over the last 9 years...Personally I think it will be good for both him, and the team...It was time...
The sad thing is that over the next week the Boston media will be getting shit leaked to them from "Un-named sources" and the classic 'trash the guy we just traded' campaign will begin...I hate when teams do that, and the Red Sox are great at it...
Then there is the fact that Youk would have been perfect for the Indians...He'd be great at first base for the Tribe instead of that slug Casey Kotchman...So when I saw the White Sox, a AL Central rival got him, I was pissed...Then I saw they only gave up a utility player, Brett Lillibridge, and a 25 year old right-handed reliever, Zach Stewart....Wow, now I'm really pissed...I'm sure the Indians could have offered better than that...But I'm not surprised...The Indians are often gun-shy, and cheap when it comes to wheeling and dealing...
-Honestly, when I stared to try and post this, I had nothing...Just a blank...After the Sandusky verdict came down, I pretty much checked out on keeping up with things for the weekend...So what did I do? Well shit, I'm a father of three, so it was all kids time this weekend...I'm not an asshole who is going to blast a child rapist, and turn around ignore my kids...
Saturday I took the kids to a park...We were there for a couple hours...The older two running around and climbing, and Molly rocking the swings and slides...Then we grabbed some McDonalds, and ate at another park...After eating, the kids got back to playing...

There's the boy doing his thing...
And Molly just loves her swings...

While she was swinging, I kept watching this pick-up Basketball game that was going on...They were playing 5 on 5...They weren't that great, but there were a few guys who thought they were...But one hack stood out above the rest...He was about 6-3, white, tats on one arm, black shirt, and red shorts...This fucker never passed...All he did was shoot...Shoot, and miss...He acted like he was the shit...Thought he was the best guy out there...And all he did was shoot and miss...He missed every shot...But these other ass-hats kept giving him the ball...It makes me wonder how bad they were...
So finally the kids and I are leaving...I slowly roll by the court...Stop...Roll down the window...And wait for him to miss again...I didn't wait long...Ass soon as he threw up his brick, I yelled, "Stop giving it to the guy in red shorts, all he does is miss." They all stopped and looked, and I finished my drive-by insult by yelling, "FUCKING HACK!"
The kids cracked up as I took off, my oldest spitting out water through her nose...I'm so happy my kids get my sense of humor...I can tell Little Beeze is just dying to call some one a fucking hack!
That's it for now...Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Boston Red Sox,
Cleveland Indians,
Horse Play,
Jerry Sandusky,
Kevin Youkilis,
Mark Johnson,
Friday, June 22, 2012
Jerry Sandusky Guilty

Shortly after 10:00 PM tonight, The New York Times tweeted this...
"NYT NEWS ALERT: Sandusky Is Found Guilty on 45 of 48 Counts in Child Sexual Abuse Case"
The media in Pennsylvania are all pissed that the Times broke it on Twitter before court was adjourned...Well Pennsyltucky, with all the screw ups and cover ups that have gone on there that let this sick bastard run loose, and molest kids, all I have to say is, fuck you!
A guy I follow on Twitter named Ben Jones, who is a reporter for Football and basketball at Penn State, tweeted this..."Tonight is the start of a new chapter, but the story is not over. Here is to closure, but more importantly strength."
Now I normally like Ben...He hasn't been blinded by Penn State loyalty, but I had to take exception to this...This isn't closure...There are more people who need to be taken down for this...For years PSU officials kept this quiet...They covered it up, and let Sandusky roam free for years...Yes, I'm happy he's going to jail, and I hope he takes a bad fall or two...But Graham Spanier needs to go down...Tim Curley needs to go down...Gary Schultz needs to go down...And any and all staff, coaches, and other administrators that knew anything, and kept quiet...
This is far from over, especially for Penn State University...Civil suits will be coming for them, as well as Sandusky...Closure is overrated...I don't want closure, I want people to remember what happened, and not be satisfied until everyone involved in keeping Sandusky free for so long, is locked up or dead...
Oh, and Dottie Sandusky, that bitch knew what was going on...She needs to burn...And Sandusky's attorney, who admitted that he didn't have a chance to win with the states "over-whelming evidence"...Yet he said he thinks his client is innocent...Yeah, he needs to be shot too!
I also want to take issue with Jason Whitlock...He tweeted this..."I'm so weird about prison. Wanted Sandusky convicted. Now I feel nothing but sadness watching him carted off to hell on earth"
Hey Jason, fuck you! You feel sadness for a scum-bag who abused kids...You're a fucking asshole...You know what I feel...I feel joy...Joy that we have actually seen a tiny taste of justice in this country...The only thing that will make me feel better, is when I hear that he is dead...He is the lowest form of life on this Earth...I honestly don't know why people consider Whitlock intelligent!
Lastly, is now the time that the NCAA may get involved in investigating PSU for this cover up, and who knows what else they have been hiding? So often the NCAA tries to flex their nuts, I think this may be a time to actually do something with that power they like to flex...
That's it for now...But I'm sure I'll have more...
Later, The Beeze.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Give Me Five Minutes

Well, I'm here to report to you all, that Cleveland is not burning...Yes, LeBron James and the Miami Heat just won the NBA championship, and while plenty of people are on Twitter voicing their displeasure about the situation, they aren't going all Vancouver and burning the damn place to the ground...I mean it wasn't like the Heat beat Cleveland...They beat Oklahoma City...Sure most of Cleveland hitched themselves onto the OKC bandwagon, but they didn't give a shit who was playing...They just didn't want LeBron James to win...Well, toughs hit I guess...The dick-head won...
Now can we get back to say, maybe the scrappy Cleveland Indians, who have been playing their collective balls off...Nobody gave this team a chance of doing shit this season, yet here they sit at the top of the Central Division...Now, I'm a realist...The Central is crap, but none the less, many expected the Tribe to be in the cellar...No one expected Jason Kipnis to have 11 HR's and 41 RBI's did they? No one expected Derek Lowe to have 7 wins...Shit, some didn't even think he would make the squad...And the teams Ace, Justin Masterson may just be starting to put it all together...And the bullpen has been solid...
It sure will be nice to maybe hear the radio dolts in this town actually talking about a local team, instead of a douchebag that hightailed it out of here a couple years ago...Oh, and guys, ease up on the Browns chatter...These local radio dopes are dying for there to be a QB controversy in Browns camp...If you really think Weeden won't be the starter, then you should be fired...
Now, Monday I was all over the Sandusky trial...I'm still on it...The jury has begun deliberating, and as that happened, news broke that Sandusky's adopted son Matt was waiting in the wings to testify against his adopted father...The prosecution had him ready as a rebuttal witness, if Jerry Sandusky took the stand himself...apparently Matt had informed the prosecution that he too had been a victim of abuse...Which I had suspected after one of the other victims accounts about being in the shower with Matt and Jerry, and when Jerry started splashing soap on the boys, Matt got the hell out of there, like he knew what was next...
Then Travis Weaver was on Rock Center, telling his story of abuse at the hands of Sandusky...Sandusky started getting creepy with him when he was 10...His father worked at PSU, and Sandusky had threatened to get him fired if Travis went to the police...Sandusky also talked about wanting to adopt Weaver, a story that Weaver's father confirmed...At 14 Weaver left moved to Cleveland to live with his mother, but the damage was done...From the interview you can still see Weaver is trying to get past this all...He has filed a civil suit seeking damages from Sandusky, Penn State, and Sandusky's charuty the Second Mile...The case has been suspended, pending the outcome of this trial...
Weaver is not part of this case, but they have his Grand Jury testimony...In a post-script for the interview, it was explained that the state has Weaver and others in their back pocket, in case something goes wrong with this trial, and they need to go after Sandusky again...
Now before I end this, I thought I'd give some love to my Baseball team...This year, we are the Cubs...But we aren't some bunch of lovable loser...Remember, this is a everyone wins, no keeping score league...Well, if you did, like I do in my head, we would have lost our first two games...But with a little extra work, the gang is coming around...Our two games this week, we dominated...Everyone is starting to hit...Their fielding is getting better every game...But there is something I need to work with the Little Beeze on...Kid has a home run trot going...All the time...I told him he better put it in the outfield if he wants to jog...Any other time he's running around like a maniac...But on the base paths he's jogging...We'll work it out...
I said give me five minutes...And that's what I said to my wife before I started writing this...Yep, nothing like a good five minute fuck...Here's one of the best five minute fucks you'll ever see on TV...
Later, The Beeze.
Cleveland Indians,
Five Minute Fuck,
Jerry Sandusky,
LeBron James,
Miami Heat,
Penn State,
Talking Heads,
The Wire
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Monday Moaning

Yeah, she look like the way a Father's Day should start...and end! But let's be honest, Father's Day isn't as rah-rah as Mother's Day...Mom's always get the love, way more then dad...Just as Bill Cosby taught us...(And that pile of shit Carlos Mencia stole from him.)
We all know what Father's Day really is...

And being a Father, and a Mother Fucker, there's a story that has pissed me off to no end since it broke...Of course I'm talking about that fucking creep Jerry Sandusky...If there was any question of just how much of a bastard this guy is, it was all cleared up from this past week's testimonies...Without a doubt, the nastiest, creepiest, pile of shit walking...
We found out his hot spot was boys between 10 and 13...He took advantage of their rough upbringing, and threatened to them with sending them back to that harsh life if they didn't do what he wanted...Multiple victims spoke of how he called himself "The Tickle Monster." Fucking Yuck!
The tickling was just a warm up...Next was the shower, where he liked slapping soap on their asses...This was just prep before he got the oral and anal sex on...Then there was the basement bedroom at his house...Where before bed time, he would crack their back, and give them a massage...Again, just prep before he tried to get inside these kids...In his house...With his wife and kids there...This bastard should be strung up, and his stupid wife Dottie should be strung up next to him...How the hell can she deny this shit...One victim even testified to screaming for help while she was in the house...One victim testified that while at a hotel at The Alamo Bowl, Sandusky was in the bathroom with him, and was trying to force the kid to blow him, when Dottie strolled in from the adjoining room...
There was the testimony of one victim who said he was in the showers with Sandusky and his adopted son Matt...Good ole Jerry started splashing the soap around, and Matt hightailed it out of there, almost as he knew what was up...It makes you wonder what the hell else went on in the Sandusky house?
One after another, 8 of 10 victims shared their personal horror stories how how Sandusky had abused them...There were even kids who felt heart-broken after they stopped hearing from Sandusky...Their life had been so bad, that the only idea of love and attention that had, was from how this sick fuck treated them...
Then there was the Testimony of Assistant Coach Mike McQueary...McQueary who had witnessed Sandusky having anal sex with a boy in the PSU showers...Yes, McQueary may have been the one person to speak up,but he didn't do nearly enough...Slamming your locker door and running to call your Dad is not what you do...You knock that old perv out, and you get that kid out of there, and to the police...
Instead he told Joe Patero...Who told AD Tim Curley, and VP Gary Schultz, who oversaw the campus police...They sat down with McQueary and said they'd handle it...They decided not to take it to the real police...Then McQueary's father testified that during a conversation, Schultz said he was suspicious of Sandusky...But not suspicious enough to do anything, since this past week NBC reported that there are emails between former university President Graham Spanier and Schultz trying to keep McQueary's allegation from going further, that have been turned over to the attorney general....
McQueary and Paterno both neglected to follow up with Curley and Schultz...And Paterno, who was so highly regarded, could have easily pressed Spainer to take more action...But they all failed...They were too concerned about their jobs (McQueary's future as head coach), and upholding the lofty image of PSU...Sure Sandusky was removed from the staff, but he was still free to roam the campus...He was free to prey on kids...They all kept his secret, and protected him, instead of protecting the kids...What other dirty secrets do these bastards have? They should all be strung up with Sandusky and his wife...Paterno got off lucky by dying...Shit head!
These are the big names...But there were more people who failed these kids...Putting Penn State and Sandusky's bullshit reputation before the lives of innocent kids...
A PSU janitor failed to tell authorities he allegedly caught Sandusky performing oral sex on a boy in a campus shower a dozen years ago...
A district attorney named Ray Gricar, with a reputation for prosecuting cases involving children and sexual abuse victims declined to charge Sandusky over a 1998 molestation allegation even though the detective who investigated thought it was a solid case...Gricar disappeared in 2005 and was declared legally dead last year...
School district officials were skeptical of abuse claims brought by Victim #1 because, Sandusky was considered to have a "heart of gold."...Victim #1's allegations eventually got the state investigation rolling...
Assistant Coach Tom Bradley walked into the shower when one boy was with Sandusky, but did nothing but wait around until Sandusky and the boy left...
A wrestling coach named Joseph Miller told jurors that he found Victim #1 and Sandusky rolling around on the floor in the high school weight room one evening...Miller said that while he found it odd, he gave the famed coach a pass, thinking "It was Jerry...Jerry Sandusky. He's a saint. What he's doing with kids, it's fantastic, so I didn't think anything of it."
There were also a number of the victims that said things to family members about not liking Sandusky, and and being uncomfortable around him...But it fell on deaf ears...
So many people let these kids down...I hope that the jury will finally do the right thing...I'd also like to see the state go after Curley, Schultz, Spanier, Dottie Sandusky, and fuck it...Maybe McQueary too...Hell dig up Paterno and show the world what a piece of shit he was too...
And that scum-bag defense attorney...The best thing he could do, would be to walk in the court room Monday, and simply say, 'The defense rests.' It could possibly be the best thing a defense attorney has ever done...
I know I'm beating on one subject here, but it's a subject that I think should be beaten on...More so then stupid Rodney King dying Speaking of beating)...How the fuck is that the lead story on the Nightly News...Yeah, 20 years ago he got beat down by the cops, and riots started after the cops got off...But let's not forget the guy was a junkie...Not just that night when he swung on the police, all fucked up on PCP...He's battled with being a junkie his whole life...I can't wait to see what was in his system when he drowned in his pool...Shame on the mainstream media for that shit...
And shame on ESPN for paying dolts like Ian O'Connor, who wrote This shit, swinging on Tiger Woods' balls after he had a couple good rounds at the U.S. Open...I was so happy to see Tiger fall on his face, and O'Conner look like the idiotic gas-bag that he is...The so-called "World Wide Leader" only a leader in bullshit!
I hope all the Dads had a great Father's Day...I did...Fun with the kids...I bought Molly a new sandbox 20% off at Toy-R-Us...Her and the Little Beeze spent a few hours playing in there...And the Mrs. made sure I finished the day with a smile...But here's one last thing for the Dads, from Louis CK...
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Monday Moaning

Well, the Oklahoma City Thunder fan-base has grown greatly...Now that they will be facing the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals, most of Cleveland, and I think most fans watching, will be rooting for the Thunder...Christ, some joker on TWITTER has already merged the OKC logo with the Cavaliers logo...I'm not worried...As I said HERE, I think the Thunder Will take care of business...
-But there is bigger things to talk about in my opinion...It's been awhile since I've posted anything having to do with my hatred of Jerry Sandusky, and the dirty dealings at Penn State...Well, now that I have seen the jurors for the Sandusky trial that starts Monday, I'm left scratching my head...
The jurors include an engineering administrative assistant at Penn State, a dance teacher in the Continuing Education Program and a professor who has been on the faculty for 24 years...Also a Penn State senior, a retired Soil Sciences professor who had 37 years at the university...A man with Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Penn State, and a woman who has been a season ticket holder since the '70s...
Why am I scratching my head? Because with at least half of the jury having personal ties to Penn State University, I wondering what the hell is going to happen...Are these assholes going to help him get off, which would go along with everything I have thought since the beginning...That everyone involved with that place is so blinded by their loyalty for Penn State Football, that they will do anything to try and cover up their dirty deeds...Yes, there is still the story floating around out there that the President, Paterno, and the board knew all about this, and were involved in the cover-up all these years...
But could it be that their loyalty to Penn State could automatically lead them to wanting "the Book" thrown at Sandusky for tarnishing the school and Joe Paterno's reputation...Maybe, but which ever way things go, people will have questions and doubts about it...Hell, we could even get a mis-trial...Fuck, I just don't trust anything that goes on there...
-And speaking of not trusting things...Boxing has reared it's ugly head again...Saturday night, Manny Pacquiao lost to Timothy Bradley...Now I haven't bothered paying for a fight in years, because Boxing has been garbage...But I still try to keep tabs on the news...And the easiest way to track something as it happens, without watching it, is Twitter...If you follow the right people, you'll get nearly punch to punch updates...So Saturday night I kept an eye on Twitter...From the tweets I was seeing, Pacquiao was leading throughout the fight...Shit, Pacquiao landed 82 more punches then Bradley...
But then the fight went to the judges scorecards, and the Twitter-verse exploded...The judges, and the world of boxing were getting thrashed for this decision...We have heard about fights being fixed, and fighters taking a dive, but this seemed like the fix was in, and no one told the two guys in the ring...
I remember when Boxing was still a big deal...The night of the Hagler/Leonard fight, every kid on our street was in my parents living room, watching that fight...Now most kids don't know shit about boxing...They either watch MMA, or they watch wrestling, which while I think it's crap, at least they're up front about it being bullshit, unlike Boxing...No one respects Boxing anymore, and that's because Boxing doesn't respect itself...
- Off the topic of sports...I often bash my city, Cleveland...I especially bash the horribly run Cleveland Browns...Then I was watching the Nightly News...I try to do it as often as the kids let me...That or get my news later in the evening when everyone is asleep...But the thing I noticed recently is the weather...Blazing heat and wild fires out West...The South East got it's ass flooded with buckets of rain...Earlier in the spring tornadoes hammered big chunks of the country...The Gulf and East Coast get their Hurricanes...Any day now the great quake is going to snap California off...
And here in the Cleve...We've had great weather...Mild Winter (I only shoveled twice)...Great Spring, and Summer came early...I don't actually like Summer, I'm a Fall guy, but still, no shitty, ass beating weather here...So for all the crap I dump on my town, I have to say, I may be living in the best location, weather wise,(and natural disaster wise) in the country...
That's it for now...Have a week...Oh, and go Thunder!

Later, the Beeze.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The NBA Can Eat My Ass!

Alright, I honestly pay no attention to Basketball during the regular season...And really, for most, if not all of the playoffs...But for some reason I found myself watching the Oklahoma City Thunder polish off the Lakers...Shit, the Thunder look good...So I started popping in on their games with the Spurs, and my built-in hatred for LeBron James, had me watching bits and pieces of the Heat and Celtics games...As these two series went on, I was watching more and more...And here are a few of my observations...
Basketball players are fucking pussies...It's not like these are a bunch of little guys...Look at LeBron James...He's 6ft 8...250 pounds, and he cries like a bitch about any and all contact...But it's not just him...I've seen it in all these games...These fucking guys get bumped and bitch for foul calls...The slightest, shit is called a foul, and there is no consistency in how the refs call this shit...Fuckers in the media rave about what great athletes these fuckers are, and all I see is a bunch of cunts over 6-5, and 200 lbs. crying that some one touched them...These ass-hats couldn't handle playing a real contact sport like Hockey or football...
And the shit that is called for a foul is gay as fuck...A fucking guy from Miami drives to the basket, his arm brushes a Celtic, and it's a foul on the Celtic...WHAT!?! I saw Westbrook from OKC catch a pass in stride, and stop as soon as he had the ball, and some twat from the Spurs ran into him, and the refs call a foul on Westbrook...WHAT!?! Fucking James just threw his Shoulder into Rondo, and they called a foul on Rondo...WHAT!?!
This shit is retarded...And it's not like the refs in The NBA have the best rep, after one of them wrote a fucking book about fixing games...And how many fucking time outs do you get in Basketball...I swear to God it seems like each team gets 30...The last 4 minutes of a game takes a hour...Fuck you and play cunts! In Hockey, you get 1 time out, for the whole fucking game...Basketball is for twats!
And why the fuck does everyone talk about LeBron James...And why the fuck did he win the MVP...Fucking Kevin Durant just won his 3rd scoring title...He's 23 and has 3 scoring titles...Holy fuck the media is stupid...LBJ can suck balls...And no matter who wins the Heat Celtics series, they're fucking toast...The Thunder are fucking Monsters...Young, Hungry, more talented monsters then, the heat or Celtics can put out there with them...
Shit I was rooting for Boston, but after seeing THESE_3 videos, I'm hoping the Heat squeak in to the Finals...Then Durant can take James to fucking school...And fuck Dwayne Wade...He's a cheap shot throwing, cry-baby, clutch 3-point missing, bitch!
And as I sit hear ranting about how stupid, and shitty Basketball is, I glad to know, I'm not alone...I just found this clip from Bill Burr's podcast on Monday...
See, Bill gets it...Too Bad Boston's retarded mayor doesn't have a clue...Could you people vote this moosh mouth out already...What a fucking idiot...
Basketball and Mayor Menino can all Eat My Ass!
Later, The Beeze.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Monday Moaning

Mmmm...Yeah, I don't follow Tennis...I did when I was a kid, and I use to like to play, but that was a long time ago...But Saturday morning I was laying in bed, flipping around on the TV, and I saw Maria Sharapova playing at The French Open...If you don't know, every time she swings her racket, she lets out a powerful, grunt, groan, or even scream...
Hot chick, skimpy outfit, making those noises...What better way to kill time than leave this on the tube, and tug on my cock for a few minutes!?!
Then the idiot commentators (two women, one man) start bitching about her noises...Like it's something new...Even a casual fan like me knows how noisy this bitch is...And shit, Tennis should be pushing women to play like this...Wear less, and make hot noises... Ratings would be up...At least among male viewers...
-Moving on...This past week Little Beeze's Baseball practices started...If you've followed this blog, you know I've coached his Tee-Ball teams the last two years...Now we are in 7-8 year old Coach Pitch...(They added in a few 9 year old girls because they didn't have enough sign up for 9-10 girls softball)
The first year the guy that was suppose to be coaching with me, bailed...Dropped his kid off and left...Fucking douchebag...The next year, one of the girls mom signed up to help...But she was also coaching her other daughter's team, so she was in and out, and it was mostly on me...But that was okay with me, at least she was trying, and trying with two kids...Better then the first year...
So then this year I find out at the coaches meeting, that they have paired me up with another dad...And he was actually at the meeting...But it was clear he didn't want to be there, and he quickly passed off everything to me, knowing I has been in the program for a couple years...
So Tuesday was the first practice, and this shit-dick and his kid don't show up...Here we go again...Thursday we have our second practice, and he shows...I re-introduce myself, tell him what we did Tuesday, and what I was planning on for that day...All he says is, "Okay." Nothing else...I get the kids on the field to get started, including getting his kid right into the mix, and he's not around...He's over in the bleachers shooting the shit with some other douchebags...The whole practice he's MIA...Looks like I've got another fucking asshole...
I could use some help with this team...There are a couple boys along with Little Beeze who are good...And my one 9 year old girl is going to be a beast...But then there are a few kids who have barely played, including a couple who didn't do Tee-Ball at all...3 of my 7 year olds, are very young 7 year olds...And one girl's parents are both Mentally Handicapped...Is that the nice way to say retarded these days...She isn't, but it's clear that she's been held back by them...This is her first time in an activity like this...So already I have had to put in a good amount of time with just her...But in two practices, she's throwing well, and is starting to catch the ball...And once she made contact swinging the bat, she didn't want to stop...
That shit makes me feel so good about this damn, "not keeping score" program, and this other douchebag doesn't get it all, and doesn't want to get it...The thought of kicking him in the dick next time a see him has crossed my mind a few times...Hopefully things go well this week...
-This weekend the kids and I were all about hitting some parks...Saturday I took Molly and Little Beeze to one of our favorites...Here they are catching a view of the lake...

Then Sunday morning I took all 3 kids further west, to a really cool park...Lots of stuff for them to do...Molls rocked the swings for awhile, and then got into a community sand pit and got some digging done...They all had fun...Here's the boy rocking his new hair-cut he got just an hour before we hit the park...

He's been asking for a Mohawk for 2 years, and even though Mom was against it, I let him go for it...Now he's ready for a big Baseball season!
Now the last thing I want to talk about is the media...The mainstream, U.S. media to be exact...All week long, during every nightly news cast...And on every major media outlet, they all keep talking about Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee...Ummm, I'm sorry, I thought I lived in the United States of America...Why the fuck are you ass-hats covering this bullshit!?!
Look at this...This picture shows all the territories that are or were under British rule at one time...

Yes, my ancestors are from Ireland, so right out of the gate, I hate the royal family...But shit, I'm an American...Born in America...That pesky country that fought the British for our independence...So why the fuck is our media so fucking in love with these people...Most of the land the Royal Family owns, they stole...Rape, Pillage and Plunder was their business...So again, Why is the U.S. media so fucking in love with these dolts...
I don't give a shit how old that bag is...Or how long she has been a figure head for that Island...She comes from a long line of assholes, and I'm sure she's an asshole too...Her country is in the same economic shitter that we are, yet they are throwing an insane amount of money around to celebrate the fact that this bitch just won't die...
NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, and all you other idiot media outlets wasting any time covering this shit, need to wake the fuck up, and realize that there is more important "NEWS" to cover...Oh, and that old bag isn't our Queen, because we called bullshit on that shit along time ago...The Queen, and her whole shitty family, along with you media ass-hats, can all kiss my American Ass!
Have a week...
Later, The Beeze.
Little Beeze,
Maria Sharapova,
Queen Elizabeth,
Royal Family,
The Beeze
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