Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Beeze's Happy New Year, Hump day Survey

Happy New Year!!! It's time for a quick Hump Day Survey...Here we go...

1. Who will win the Rose Bowl?

a. Penn State

b. USC

2. Were the Jets right in firing Mangina?

3. Should the Browns hire Mangina?

4. Who will win in the Baltimore vs Miami playoff game?

5. Who will win in the Atlanta vs Arizona platoff game?

6. What is your best memory of 2008?

Mine is of our trip to Boston this fall for the little Beeze's birthday.

7. On this New Years Eve I'm skipping the Traditional 7th question....It's New Years Eve, just get out there and Hump somebody.

Happy New Year!!!

Later, the BEEZE


Unknown said...

Happy New Years Beeze!
1. USC
2. Yes.
3. No.
4. Baltimore D will be too much for Pennington.
5. Atlanta has a running game and a passing game. Atl wins.
6. Meeting Taylor Swift and UFC fighter Matthew Riddle... getting a big raise...finally!

David Funk said...

1. The game has started, but I did pick USC in a bowl contest I'm in here in town.

2. No, I don't think so. The whole Favre thing isn't his entire fault. Let's face it, that one move was going to make or break Mangini anyway.

3. I would say no only because of the situation that the Browns are in. He'll be signed by someone though.

4. That's a solid matchup, but I like Miami to win in a low-scoring affair.

5. Atlanta

6. Mine was during the holiday season when I went on vacation to PA with the highlight being that I went to the Army-Navy footall game in Philly. Also, I met up with a long-time friend of mine for the first time in years, and ran into another one on New Years Eve, too.

Anonymous said...

1. Who will win the Rose Bowl?

a. Penn State :( :( :( 7 penalites UGH!

2. Were the Jets right in firing Mangina?
NO they should have lost Mr. NFL all time interception instead!

3. Should the Browns hire Mangina?
No they need a complete re structure

I'm takin miami, i'm a sucker for the underdog!

Atlanta was my pick

6. What is your best memory of 2008?
FAR to many to mention!

7. On this New Years Eve I'm skipping the Traditional 7th question....It's New Years Eve, just get out there and Hump somebody.

COOL i did LMAO!

HAPPY 2009 :)

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

MY answers...

1. I would have said USC...really I would have.

2. Yes and No...I think they fired him for the wrong reasons.

3. No...I want the GM first, then the coach...and I want a coach with some balls....not a Mangina

4. I'm going Baltimore.

5. Atlanta

6. Besides the memory in the post, I would have to say...Starting this blog, and finding so many other great blogs because of it.

7. I didn't last night...After getting home from the fish house i had my daughter was getting over a flu, and my son was on speed or something...I was dealing with him most of the time....I got him to sleep around 10:30PM....My wife fell asleep with little miss puke...So I opened up some Great Lakes Christmas Ale and parked infront of the tube...Christ I'm starting another blog here...I got a low jo tonight....If you don't know what that is...What begins with a B, and ends with a b, and feels oh so good.

I hope everyone had a great New Year.