..."Instant Karma's gonna get you."
Well many of you know, I'm not down with that Karma stuff...I'm not knocking you if that's your thing...It's just not for me...I look at as an excuse people use when sh!t that happens...Or to try to prove their point when something good happens...Hey, John Lennon also said, "Whatever gets you through the night."
Well Friday I was blasting some things in a blog post including the H1N1 hype...You can check it here...http://thebeezewax.blogspot.com/2009/10/really.html
I'd be willing to bet there's some one out there today saying the Beeze got a dose of Karma today...My first response would be 'F**K YOU!' Followed by a smarmy 'I don't believe and that sh!t.'
You see today we found out after a week of our daughter not feeling well, and a up and down fever, and an awful cough, that she has the H1N1 flu...That's right...My little girl got the "Some Mexican was humping a pig flu."
Well, I'm not here to apologize...I'm not here to ask the God's for forgivness...I'm here to tell you the truth...
The pig f**ker flu isn't living up to the hype...Our little girl is kicking it's ass...She's was begging to go to school tomorrow...She's eating well...The fever has stayed down for two days...She has a really bad cough still, but the doctor gave us a prescription for some serious knockout cough syrup...she's snoring away...The doctor said the've seen a lot of cases...A lot more then what's been reported...They're aren't testing every case, because most have been mild...The ones they are concerned about are the kids that have bronchitis or asthma or get it on top of having something like strep...
So if you, or your child have one of those problems, stay on top of it...But don't let the media panic machine make you crazy...
We asked the doctor if there was anything else we needed to do...She replied with, "It's a form of the flu...Just treat it like the flu."
Lot's of fluids! Hell, I'm gonna grab one now...
Later, The Beeze.
I hope she feels better soon Beeze.
I don't get into the hype either ... it's all just a bunch of media-driven shit to control the ignorant and sell cough syrup to boost the economy. Nothing more, nothing less.
Thanks B-Dub! She's doing well...Every year there's something new and over-blown...
I'm willing to bet there will be more deaths this year from the regular flu then from the pig humper flu!
Sorry to hear. Best wishes for the team. Coach says give her plenty of water and chicken soup.
Get well soon little one. We need you back out on the field. ;)
Best of luck to the Little Beezette and hope she continues to improve. Way to stay on top of it dad!
I'm glad to hear your daughter is kicking the swine flu's butt!
You're karma comment made me laugh. Lennon also said "happiness is a warm gun" and he spoke fondly of drugs... oh the 60s...
Thanks Frank, and -A...Something tells me we really would have enjoyed the 60's!
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