Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Moaning 10-26-20


Have I got your attention?

How about now? Good...

One of the great things about social media is communicating with people from other places...Not just me in Pennsylvania shooting the shit with a friend in Texas...But seeing other cultures and news from around the world...Lets be honest, our media cover the United States first and foremost...It has to be something massive, or epically tragic for them to to look past oceans...And we all know #1 thing covered here is politics...It's not news anymore, it's fucking reality TV....

We are so wrapped up in our side and our country and what's going on here, we are clueless that much of the world is also at it's breaking point...Yes, there is nothing wrong with carrying about our country...I am in no way going to stop screaming about Trump and I am not going to stop fighting for equality for all in this country...But I'll be honest, I had no idea what was going on all over the world...I knew bits and pieces, but had no idea how big it was until a post from a you woman in Poland...

These are pics from just outside her apartment...

Every night there are protests in the streets...Protests against the government...Because of her post I started looking at what's going on...There is madness is so many places....Frustration and disenfranchised people everywhere...JUST LOOK...

All those dots are places with active protests...All of these protests are political protests...The main reasons are, policy, economic and corruption...Sounds frighteningly familiar...

Here in the United States it’s nuts and there's lots of division...But people are trying to unite us and open the eyes of others who don’t get it...And clearly people around the world are trying to do this...

COVID has only made it worse, but if we can get people to think not just of themselves, but everyone...not just in individual countries either...we are all on this same planet together and my actions don’t just impact my neighborhood, city, state, country...They impact your country, and Canada, Australia, England, Poland, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Brazil, France and so on...I believe we, as a world will battle through these times and come out of it with a better world...We will have sadly lost too many fellow humans, but a brighter future will honor them...

We sure as shit know Trump won't...What did he say about those dead from COVID? Oh, that's right, "It is what it is"...#WakeUpAmerica

Keep fighting world.


B.O.B. said...

Interesting point Beeze. I've always been of the opinion that change is coming whether we like it or not. We will evolve. Will we see it in our lifetime? No, but two maybe three generations down the line, when we are all but forgotten, yeah because I do have faith that the generations to come will fix what we took 40 years to destroy.

However, what I can't condone is the bad behavior - the rioting. I don't care who starts it, it's wrong and its only hurting innocent people. I'm sorry, no matter how I feel about religion, burning down a church is bullshit.

But in the immediate future, I do think people are tired of the shit. I just heard from somebody that Wal-Mart did a restructure where they dropped or cut down their middle management and this person felt that they are doing everything they can to cut as much payroll as possible for profit - meaning longer lines at the cashier, forcing everybody to go to self-checkout, and eventually problems with stocking shelves. They already have little to few cashiers and the lines last week were outrageous even by our standards and what we have come to expect. And now, Wal-Mart is locking up more and more things to prevent shrink (laundry pods, and other personal grooming stuff besides razors) - with less people, that means longer waits to get needed stuff. Well, what I know is this - Wal-Mart isn't the only game in town and while COSTCO isn't perfect, they sure as hell are better. If it wasn't for pure logistics in terms of mileage, I would stop shopping at Wal-Mart altogether, and I think others would agree.

California recently said that electric cars will be the only allowed new cars starting in 2035. Great, I'm all for helping the environment, but I recently priced one of these cars and they sit at $50,000. Nobody can afford that, so what happens then?

Speaking of afford, who are the only people making money nowadays? Politicians - six figure salaries PLUS a $211 per day per diem. Really? When lobbyists usually pay for lunches, dinners, and other assorted goodies?

As for love, you find a lot more tolerance nowadays and that is only going to increase. It isn't going to be the "flower power" of the 60's, but I do believe that an honest and genuine respect is coming.

The point of these examples is this - change is coming. People are tired of the same ole shit. The pure profit at the expense of the customer and the entry level/middle management worker is going to end at some point - most likely when our generation goes away. People don't care who you love as long as you're a good person. People are REALLY tired of the media and politics, and I think they believe there is more to life than profit.

The Beeze (aka: Tim McNeeley) said...

I was talking to people I use to work with at Walmart..Yeah, they are cutting Assistant managers...They are getting rid department managers and Customer Service Managers...They are bragging about raising their minimum wage and new hire wages but they are cutting wages to cover it, so the big guns don't lose any money...

People are sick of it around the world and the biggest reason is political corruption and keeping the poor, poor and making it harder for the middle class to be middle class.